.NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server 會自動偵測並加密以加密資料行為目標的 paramSSN 和paramBirthdate 參數。 這讓加密對應用程式變得透明化。 插入至資料庫資料行的值,包括加密的資料行,會傳遞為 SqlParameter 物件。 雖然將值傳送到未加密的資料行時,使用 SqlParameter ...
CREATE USER [example-Azure-AD-app-name] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER Clear the query window. Then, run the following command to assign the db_datareader role to the Microsoft Entra ID application: SQL 复制 ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [example-Azure-AD-application-name] Repeat the previ...
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. (MsDtsSvr). To modify the configuration file for the Integration Services service, you use a text editor. Important After you modify the service configuration file, you must restart the service to use the updated service co...
Microsoft.data.mashup.providercommon.dll 2.57.5068.261 107728 13-Jun-18 05:36 x86 Microsoft.hostintegration.connectors.dll 2.57.5068.261 5223112 13-Jun-18 05:36 x86 Microsoft.mashup.container.exe 2.57.5068.261 26312 13-Jun-18 05:36 x64 Microsoft.mashup.container.netfx40.exe 2.57.5068.261 26824...
要求使用来自 Teradata 的 .NET Data Provider for Teradata。 有关平台支持,请参阅 Teradata 文档。Y空值Teradata v15 Teradata v14 Teradata v13YN DB2 关系数据库自定义的已注册数据扩展插件名2004 Host Integration (HI) Server Y空值空值YN 一般OLE DB 数据源OLEDB内置 Reporting Services 数据处理扩展插件支持...
Sqlmgmprovider.dll 2015.130.2210.0 364224 2017 年 7 月 17 日 1,322 x86 Sqlsvcsync.dll 2015.130.2210.0 348864 2017 年 7 月 17 日 1,320 x64 Sqlsvcsync.dll 2015.130.2210.0 267456 2017 年 7 月 17 日 1,322 x86 Sqltdiagn.dll 2015.130.2210.0 67,776 2017 年 7 月 17 日 1,320 x64 ...
For more information, see Access the WMI provider programmatically.WMI accessYou can use a Visual Basic script to access the WMI classes.Tools for report content managementGraphical and scripting tools are available for managing content in SSRS. The tools that you use depend on the deployment mode...
<DefaultHostName> </DefaultHostName> <PermittedHosts> </PermittedHosts> </RSEmailDPConfiguration> </Configuration> </Extension> <Extension Name="Report Server DocumentLibrary" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.SharePointDeliveryExtension.DocumentLibraryProvider,ReportingServicesSharePointDelivery...
SQL ServerDTS.LogProviderSQLServer{94150B25-6AEB-4C0D-996D-D37D1C4FDEDA}ログ プロバイダーが使用する OLE DB 接続マネージャーで、ログ エントリ用の sysssislog テーブルを格納する SQL Server データベースを指定します。 Windows イベント ログDTS.LogProviderEventLog{071CC8EB-C343-4CF...
clear$ServerName="(local)"$UDL_String="[oledb]`r`n; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring`r`nProvider=MSOLEDBSQL.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=`"`";Initial Catalog=`"`";Data Source="+$ServerName+";Initial File Name=`"`";Server ...