Import-Module ActiveDirectory New-ADUser sqlsvc -AccountPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "Enter Password") -PasswordNeverExpires $true -Enabled $true 注意 安全性最佳做法是針對 SQL Server 使用專用的 Active Directory 帳戶,讓 SQL Server 執行個體認證不會與使用相同帳戶的其他服務共用。...
CREATE VIEW View1 AS SELECT Colx, Coly FROM TableA, TableB WHERE TableA.ColZ = TableB.Colz; 查詢計畫中的聯結順序為 Table1、 Table2、 TableA、 TableB、 Table3。解析檢視表上的索引對於任何索引,只有在查詢最佳化工具認為有所助益時,SQL Server 才會選擇在其查詢計畫中使用索引檢視表。所有...
VIEW ANY DATABASE伺服器層級權限。 SQL Server 安裝程式會建立 SQL WMI 命名空間,並且將讀取權限授與 SQL Server Agent 服務 SID。 具名管道 在所有安裝中,SQL Server 安裝程式都會透過共用記憶體通訊協定 (它是本機具名管道) 來提供 SQL Server 資料庫引擎的存取權。
To view current page density information for the data and indexes of a table or view, you can use sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats. Space used in large objects The Database Engine supports several data types that can hold large strings up to 2 gigabytes (GB) in length, su...
服务器中的CREATE DDL EVENT NOTIFICATION 权限。 中的 CREATE TRACE EVENT NOTIFICATION 数据库引擎权限。 VIEW ANY DATABASE 服务器级别权限。 SQL Server 安装程序会创建一个 SQL WMI 命名空间,并向 SQL Server 代理服务 SID 授予读取权限。Named pipes在所有安装中,SQL Server 安装程序都通过共享内存协议(一...
To view live query statistics for any query The live execution plan can also be accessed from theActivity Monitorby right-clicking on any query in theProcessesorActive Expensive Queriestable. Remarks The statistics profile infrastructure must be enabled before live query statistics can capture informati...
报错:Total memory used by all existing queries exceeded memory limitation 问题原因:Query由于内存超出,导致出现OOM。 解决方法:详情请参见OOM常见问题排查指南。 ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH 报错:internal error: Datasets has different schema 问题原因:Query的列与表中原有的列对不齐。
Conversely, some of the queries join to the sys.indexes DMV, which is a database-specific view that reports results only for the current database. In these cases, I amended the queries to iterate over all the databases on the server by using the system stored procedure sp_MSForEachDB, ...
For more information on browser support, see Browser support for Reporting Services and Power View.Paginated reports: Design beautifully paginated reports with updated styles for charts, gauges, maps, and other data visualizations.Treemap and sunburst Charts: Enhance your reports with Treemap and ...