Use_Database_Statement := 'USE' ['DATABASE']DB_Name. DB_Name:=Quoted_or_Unquoted_Identifier. The keywordDATABASEis optional to provide familiarity to T-SQL users. Remarks DB_Name Specifies the name of the database in form of aquoted or unquoted U-SQL identifier. If the database does ...
On theSQL Statementstab page, clickEnable DAS SQL Explorer. Query the SQL statements executed by the current instance by time range, user, keyword, operation type, or database. Figure 1Enabling SQL Explorer Table 1Common SQL statement types ...
USE master; GO IF DB_ID (N'db_sales_test') IS NOT NULL DROP DATABASE db_sales_test; GO CREATE DATABASE db_sales_test; GO USE db_sales_test; GO CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [pf_range_fact](int) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (20080801, 20080901, 20081001, 20081101, 20081201, 20090101); ...
USE AdventureWorks2022; GO -- Enable snapshot isolation on the database. ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2022 SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON; GO -- Start a snapshot transaction SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT; GO BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- This SELECT statement will return -- 48 va...
USEmaster; GO-- Get the SQL Server data path.DECLARE@data_pathnvarchar(256);SET@data_path = (SELECTSUBSTRING(physical_name,1,CHARINDEX(N'master.mdf',LOWER(physical_name)) -1)FROMmaster.sys.master_filesWHEREdatabase_id =1ANDfile_id =1);-- Execute the CREATE DATABASE statement.EXECUTE('...
CREATE DATABASE databasename; CREATE DATABASE ExampleThe following SQL statement creates a database called "testDB":ExampleGet your own SQL Server CREATE DATABASE testDB; Tip: Make sure you have admin privilege before creating any database. Once a database is created, you can check it in ...
Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 ALTER DATABASE statement failed. 若您想把数据库的状态从OFFLINE改成ONLINE,您可以执行sp_rds_set_db_online存储过程命令进行状态的变更: EXEC sp_rds_set_db_online 'TestDb' 相关操作 通过RDS控制台或API创建或删除数据库,以及修改系统字符集排序规则与时区,请参见...
USE AdventureWorks2022; GO 在您按 ENTER 鍵時,會列印下列資訊訊息:輸出 複製 Changed database context to 'AdventureWorks2022'. Transact-SQL 查詢的輸出格式sqlcmd 會先列印包含選取清單中所指定之資料行名稱的資料行標頭。 資料行名稱是以 SQLCMDCOLSEP 字元分隔。 根據預設,這是一個空格。 如果資料行名稱長...
删除数据库: drop database 数据库名称; 判断数据库存在,存在再删除: drop database if exists 数据库名称; 使用数据库 查询当前正在使用的数据库名称: select database(); 使用数据库: use 数据库名称; 代码示例 -- 创建数据库 CREATE DATABASE db2; -- 查询所有数据库 SHOW DATABASES; -- 查询某个数据库...
If a database already exists, SQL will throw an error while creating another database of the same name. In such situations, we can use the CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS statement to create a database only if there is no existing database with the same name. For example, CREATE DATABA...