1、查看所有数据库 show databases; 2、查看当前使用的数据库 select database(); 3、创建数据库 create databases 数据库名 charset=utf8; 4、删除数据库 drop database 数据库名; 5、使用数据句库 use database 数据库名; 6、查看数据库中所有表 show tables; 表的操作 1、查看表结构 desc 表名; 2、创...
To use an ADO.NET connection string, replace the 4 lines in the code setting the server, database, username, and password with the line below. In the string, set your username and password. builder.ConnectionString="<connection-string>";C#...
sqlcmd USE AdventureWorks2022; GO 结果集如下。 输出 Changed database context to 'AdventureWorks2022'. 1> 按下Enter时,它会向sqlcmd发出信号,启动新行。 键入GO后按Enter键,即向sqlcmd发出信号将USE AdventureWorks2022语句发送到 SQL Server 实例。sqlcmd随后返回一条消息,指示USE语句已成功完成并显示新的1>...
If you are using a remote database, enter the values for the remote server. Regardless of the operating system, use a forward slash (/) instead of a backslash (\) in the property files for file system paths. There might be additional database properties other than those listed here. Only...
To move thetempdbdata and log files, seeMove system databases. Database options for tempdb in SQL Server The following table lists the default value for each database option in thetempdbdatabase and whether the option can be modified. To view the current settings for these options, use thesy...
USE master; BACKUP DATABASE [$(db)] TO DISK='$(bakfile)'; At the sqlcmd prompt, enter the following code:Windows Command Prompt Copy C:\Temp\>sqlcmd 1> :connect <server> Sqlcmd: Successfully connected to server <server>. 1> :setvar db msdb 1> :setvar bakfile C:\Temp\msdb.bak...
Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) 是面向 Oracle Database 的一个免费的现代命令行界面。 只需下载并解压缩一个小文件 (25 Mb) 就能使用 自动格式化(csv、xml、json、INSERTs 和 HTML 等等) SQL 历史记录 Tab 补全 构建您自己的命令 Liquibase 集成(用于模式版本控制) ...
create database jack; use jack; create table kaven ( id integer auto_increment, primary key PRIMARY_KEY(id) ); lock tables kaven as kv read local; create database jack2; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Can’t execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an acti...
コピー$ curl -i -X POST "https://NoSQL:20001/V0/nosql/admin/topology" \ -d '{"command":"show"}' --cacert "/tmp/client_security_dir/security/client.pem" \ -H "Authorization:Bearer login_token_in_hex_string" --tlsv1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK access-control-allow-origin: * content-type...
使用CREATE DATABASE 语句创建数据库。 语法: CREATEDATABASE<数据库名称>; 在命令行交互窗口中,你输入的应该是这样的: 1>create database my_db;2>go 然后命令行窗口重新显示1>,操作成功完成。 其他的参数可能不那么重要,详情可参考教材 P77。 随后,输入use 数据库名进入数据库操作。