public SqlStoredProcedureCreateUpdateParameters withLocation(String location) Overrides: SqlStoredProcedureCreateUpdateParameters.withLocation(String location) Parameters: location withOptions public SqlStoredProcedureCreateUpdateParameters withOptions(CreateUpdateOptions options) Set the options property... public classSqlStoredProcedureCreateUpdateParameters extendsARMResourceProperties Parameters to create and update Cosmos DB storedProcedure. Constructor Summary 展開表格 ConstructorDescription ...
有关ODBC 调用语法的详细信息,请参阅 MSDN Library 中的 ODBC 程序员参考的Procedure Parameters(过程参数)主题。 ADO 如果IsQueryStoreProcedure设置为 False,则为 EXEC ? = myStoredProcedure 1 如果IsQueryStoreProcedure设置为 True,则为 myStoredProcedure ...
1、可以在运行时包含WITH RECOMPILE。这告诉SQL Server抛弃已有的执行计划并且创建一个新的计划-但只是这一次。也就是说,只是这次使用WITH RECOMPILE选项来执行存储过程。 EXECspMySproc'1/1/2004'WITHRECOMPILE 2、也可以通过在存储过程中包含WITH RECOMPILE选项来使之变得更持久。 如果使用这种方式,则在CREATE PROC...
存储过程(proc 或 procedure) 存储过程(Stored Procedure),计算机用语,是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,是利用SQL Server所提供的Transact-SQL语言所编写的程序。经编译后存储在数据库中。存储过程是数据库中的一个重要对象,用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它。存储过程是由流...
Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup an Alias? Can I have a conditional JOIN? Can I have a primary ke...
Microsoft.Azure.Management.CosmosDB.ISqlResourcesOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string accountName, string databaseName, string containerName, string storedProcedureName, Microsoft.Azure.Management.CosmosDB.Models.SqlStoredProcedureCreateUpdateParameters createUpdate...
if a procedure has five parameters, without specifying the parameter names with a@parameter = value, the fourth and the fifth parameters can be omitted. However, the fourth parameter cannot be skipped as long as the fifth parameter is included, unless the parameters are supplied in the form@pa...
Consider the following scenario: You have an application to call stored procedure (SP) from remote procedure call (RPC) withPREPARE optionand this procedure has one or more output parameters. You useMicrosoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server. ...
Consider the following scenario: You have an application to call stored procedure (SP) from remote procedure call (RPC) withPREPARE optionand this procedure has one or more output parameters. You useMicrosoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server. ...