SQL语句出现Unknown column ‘xxx’ in ‘where clause错误,从报错信息我们很容易得出列名称不存在的结论,但是,很多时候并不是列名出错造成的,而是由于拼凑sql语句时对字符类型数据没有用引号引起来造
1 Hibernate Native Query Error: Column not found 1 Hibernate: MySQL error unknown column in having clause although column exists 0 SQLSyntaxErrorException in Hibernate Where clause 0 Error in Mysql query using hibernate and java 1 SQLGrammarException: could not execute query: Column not found?
Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'CLIENT_REF' in 'where clause' What could be the reason for this error if the table doesn't have theCLIENT_REFfield? I'm trying to add data to the table and change all I can. When I changed the name CLIENT_REF to CLIENT, the situation didn...
查询失败,原因:{"code":"ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR","errno":1054,"sqlMessage":"Unknown column 'admin' in 'where clause'","sqlState":"42S22","index":0,"sql":"select * from admin_user where username=admin and password=3a0238ba5f11a798d0419c46461efd73"} 是在使用的时候,正确的写法是: const ...
unknown column"sta_ID" in where clause表示你的数据表的中的列名,对应不正确。唯一的方法,如下:把此语句:"UPDATE customer1 SET cus_Name='" + txtInput2.getText().trim() + "',cus_Phone='" + txtInput3.getText().trim() + "',prtname='" + txtInput4.getText().trim() + ...
Quick BI数据集的SQL参数设置默认值后保存报错“unkown column 'projectname' in 'where clause'”。 问题原因 SQL参数默认值设置为了:参数名=‘【字段值】’,此设置方式不正确,正确方法为:物理字段名=‘【字段值】’。 解决方案 修改数据集SQL参数的默认值,使用正确的设置方法。举例如下: ...
Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException:Unknowncolumn'xxx_time'in'where clause' 因为对应报错的SQL中没有该字段,前端也没有传入该字段,而且这个问题是偶发的,所以一直也没查到原因。 今天心血来潮追溯了下源码隐约发现了问题所在。
1 php中用sql where语句出错,使用WHERE id IN (a[′ids′])则会报错:Unknowncolumn′ID′in′whereclause′str是由表单中的多个check传过来的:a=array();a['ids'] = implode(',',POST[′ids′]);用printr打印str为:Array ( [ids] => ID-1002,ID-1000 )mysql_query("UPDATE input_table SET is...
具体语句如下:$str="ID-1011,ID-1012,ID-1013";mysql_query("UPDATE input_table SET is = 1 WHERE id IN ($str)");报错信息:Unknown column 'ID' in 'where clause'如果将 WHERE id IN ($str)改为 WHERE id='ID-1013';则运行正确 dpqa3713 采纳率:46% 等级:12 已帮助:7762人 私信TA向TA提问...