Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to useSQL INSERTstatement to insert data into tables. TheINSERTstatement inserts one or more rows into a table. TheINSERTstatement is sometimes referred to as anINSERT INTOstatement. SQL INSERT statement – insert one row into a table The following...
, more commonly known asSQL, provides a great deal of flexibility in terms of how it allows you to insert data into tables. For instance, you can specify individual rows of data with theVALUESkeyword, copy entire sets of data from existing tables withSELECTqueries, as well as define columns...
SQL: insertintob(a, b, c)selectd,e,ffromb; 说明:显示文章、提交人和最后回复时间 SQL:selecta.title,a.username,b.adddatefromtable a,(selectmax(adddate) adddatefromtablewheretable.title=a.title) b 说明:外连接查询(表名1:a 表名2:b) SQL:selecta.a, a.b, a.c, b.c, b.d, b.ffro...
static void Main(string[] args) { string test = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"]; DataTable dt = new DataTable("Material"); string[] columns = null; var lines1 = File.ReadAllLines(test); if (lines1.Count() > 0) { columns = lines1[0].Split(new char[] {...
INSERT INTO table_name (column_a, column_b) VALUES ("value_a", "value_b"); Powered By INSERT DISTINCT Records INTO New Tables In order to copy data from an existing table to a new one, you can use the "INSERT INTO SELECT DISTINCT" pattern. After "INSERT INTO", you specify the...
How to insert data into sql table using how to insert data using datagridview in windows form? how to insert greek characters and mathematical symbols into textes? How to insert or delete specific row in tablelayoutpanel? how to insert/modify listview subitem How to install ...
Example: Insert Row Into a Table In SQL, theINSERT INTOstatement is used to insert new row(s) into a database table. -- insert a row in the Customers tableINSERTINTOCustomers(customer_id, first_name, last_name, age, country)VALUES(5,'Harry','Potter',31,'USA'); ...
INSERTINTOtblCustomersSELECT*FROMtblOldCustomers 更新表格中的记录 要修改表中的当前数据,请使用UPDATE语句,该语句通常被称为更新查询。UPDATE语句可以修改一个或多个记录,并通常采用如下格式。 SQL UPDATEtablenameSETfieldname=somevalue 要更新表中的所有记录,请指定表名,然后使用SET子句来指定要更改的字段...
@includeIdentityORDERBYtbl.[name], clmns.colorderOPENcursColSET@string='INSERT INTO ['+@schemaName+'].['+@tableName+']('SET@stringData=''DECLARE@colNameNVARCHAR(500)FETCHNEXTFROMcursColINTO@colName,@dataType,@identityPRINT@schemaNamePRINT@colNameIF@@fetch_status<>0BEGINPRINT'Table'+@table...
insert into 表名称 values (值1,值2,...) insert into table_name (列1,列2,...) values (值1,值2,...) INSERT INTO 语句用于向一张表中插入新的行。 SELECT INTO 语句从一张表中选取数据插入到另一张表中。常用于创建表的备份复件或者用于对记录进行存档。