a table was created to hold past and future partition hash keys. Two new functions were created to support a sliding window. The first function adds a new partition to the end of the table. The second function deletes the oldest partition from the...
SELECTt.[object_id]ASObjectID , SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id)ASSchemaName , t.nameASTableName , ic.column_idASPartitioningColumnID , c.nameASPartitioningColumnName , i.nameasIndexNameFROMsys.tablesAStJOINsys.indexesASiONt.[object_id] = i.[object_id]ANDi.[type] <=1-- clustered index or a...
如可使用ALTERTABLENOINHERIT可将特定分区从主逻辑表中移除(该表依然存在,并可单独使用,只是与主表不再有继承关系并无法再通过主表访问该分区表),或使用DROPTABLE直接将该分区表删除。这两种方式完全避免了使用DELETE时所需的VACUUM额外代价。 很少使用的数据可被迁移到便宜些的慢些的存储介质中 以上优势只有当表非常...
This demo shows how to use the enhanced Partition Wizard to switch out and switch in a partition. We’ll demonstrate this enhanced UI against a table with more than 1,000 partitions (by example demonstrating this new capability as well). ...
In this insert-heavy example, it is expected that PAGELATCH_EX/PAGELATCH_SH waits will occur, and this is the typical observation. To examine Page Latch waits vs. Tree Page Latch waits, use the sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats DMV.The following table summarizes the major factors observed ...
Partitioned Table 可伸缩性性是数据库管理系统的一个很重要的方面,在SQL Server 2005中可伸缩性方面提供了表分区功能。 其实对于有关系弄数据库产品来说,对表、数据库和服务器进行数据分区的从而提供大数据量的支持并不是什么新鲜事,但 SQL Server 2005 提供了一个新的体系结构功能,用于对数据库中的文件组进行表...
For example, you can create constraints on a column to disallow null values or provide a default value if a value is not specified, or you can assign a key constraint on the table that enforces uniqueness or defines a relationship between tables. The data in the table can be compressed ...
(1)主表 / 父表 / Master Table 该表是创建子表的模板。它是一个正常的普通表,但正常情况下它并不储存任何数据。 (2)子表 / 分区表 / Child Table / Partition Table 这些表继承并属于一个主表。子表中存储所有的数据。主表与分区表属于一对多的关系,也就是说,一个主表包含多个分区表,而一个分区表只...
CREATETABLEPARTITIONEDORDERS ( IDINTNOTNULLIDENTITY(1,1), DUEDATEDATETIMENOTNULL, )ONYEARPS(DUEDATE) --为此表填充数据 declare@DTdatetime SELECT@DT='1999-01-01' --start looping, stop at ending date WHILE(@DT<='2005-12-21') BEGIN ...