create table语句是在数据库中创建表。在MySQL实例中可以 通过? create table方式来查看其语法: Syntax:CREATE[TEMPORARY]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] tbl_name (create_definition,...) [table_options] [partition_options]CREATE[TEMPORARY]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] tbl_name [(create_definition,...)] [table_options] [par...
简单的 CREATE TABLE 语法(如果不使用选项,则很常见):syntaxsql 复制 CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } ( { <column_definition> } [ ,... n ] ) [ ; ] 完整语法基于磁盘的 CREATE TABLE 语法:...
Why Use the SQL CREATE TABLE Statement? Anytime you want to add a new table to the database you would use the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. How To Use the SQL CREATE TABLE Statement The SQL CREATE TABLE command is used as follows. SQL CREATE TABLE Statement Syntax CREATE TABLE <table_name...
14.1.15 CREATE LOGFILE GROUP Syntax 14.1.16 CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION Syntax 14.1.17 CREATE SERVER Syntax 14.1.18 CREATE TABLE Syntax CREATE TABLE ... LIKE Syntax 14.1.19 CREATE TABLESPACE Syntax 14.2.1 CALL Syntax 14.2.2 DELETE Syntax 14.2.3 DO Syntax 14.2.4 HANDLER Sy...
Syntaxcreate_table::=Text description of create_table(relational_table::=, object_table::=, XMLType_table::=) relational_table::=Text description of relational_table(relational_properties::=, physical_properties::=, table_properties::=)
SQL CREATE TABLE Syntax CREATETABLEtable_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ... ); Here, table_nameis name of the table you want to create columnis the name of a column in the table datatypeis the type of data that the column can hold (e.g., integer...
Syntax CREATETABLEnew_table_nameAS SELECTcolumn1, column2,... FROMexisting_table_name WHERE...; The following SQL creates a new table called "TestTable" (which is a copy of the "Customers" table): Example CREATETABLETestTableAS SELECT...
SQLSyntax ❮ PreviousNext ❯ SQL Statements Most of the actions you need to perform on a database are done with SQL statements. SQL statements consist of keywords that are easy to understand. The following SQL statement returns all records from a table named "Customers": ...
CREATE TABLE- 创建新表 ALTER TABLE- 变更(改变)数据库表 DROP TABLE- 删除表 CREATE INDEX- 创建索引(搜索键) DROP INDEX- 删除索引 (2)数据操纵(SQL DML)数据操纵分成数据查询和数据更新两类。数据更新又分成插入、删除、和修改三种操作。 (3)数据控制(DCL)包括对基本表和视图的授权,完整性规则的描述,事务...
Transact-SQL Syntax ConventionsSyntax Copy CREATE TABLE [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . | schema_name . ] table_name ( { <column_definition> | <computed_column_definition> | <column_set_definition> | [ <table_constraint> ] [ ,...n ] } ) [ ON { partition_scheme_name (parti...