1.第一步,首先自己关联自己,和所有emp_no小于自己的数据进行关联,可以得到如下的数据 2.第2步,根据emp_no来group_by,然后求sum(running_total)即可 SQL如下 selectemp_no,salary,sum(running_total)asrunning_totalfrom(SELECTa.emp_no,a.salary,b.salaryASrunning_totalFROMsalaries a , salaries bWHEREa.emp...
SELECT column1, column2, SUM(column3) OVER (ORDER BY column1) AS running_total FROM table_name; 在上面的查询中,column1和column2是要查询的列,column3是要计算总和的列。通过OVER子句中的ORDER BY子句,可以指定按照column1的顺序计算总和。running_total是计算得到的运行计数列。 这种方法的优势在于可以方...
1.第一步,首先自己关联自己,和所有emp_no小于自己的数据进行关联,可以得到如下的数据 2.第2步,根据emp_no来group_by,然后求sum(running_total)即可 SQL如下 selectemp_no,salary,sum(running_total)asrunning_totalfrom(SELECTa.emp_no,a.salary,b.salaryASrunning_totalFROMsalaries a , salaries bWHEREa.emp...
代码: 1selectemp_no, salary,23(selectsum(salary)fromsalariesass2wheres1.emp_no>=s2.emp_noands2.to_date='9999-01-01')asrunning_total45fromsalariesass167wheres1.to_date='9999-01-01';
本题的难点是计算running_total,emp_no在哪一行,running_total就累加到哪一个emp_no 应以emp_no为线索,运用子查询对salary进行累加 to_date的条件也是令人忽视的点,外部查询和子查询都需要 代码: 1selectemp_no, salary,23(selectsum(salary)fromsalariesass2wheres1.emp_no>=s2.emp_noands2.to_date='9999...
Let’s see how running total is used in some real-life scenarios. In this example, we will talk about how running total can be used in calculating a balance. The cumulative sum is updated each time a new transaction (a deposit into or withdrawal from an account) is made, and the curre...
举个例子,使用SUM()函数与OVER()子句计算销售额的运行总和。 SELECT date, sales, SUM(sales) OVER (ORDER BY date) AS running_total FROM sales_data; 2 公共表表达式(CTEs) CTE(Common Table Expressions,公共表表达式)是一种在SQL查询中创建临时结果集的方法,可以被多次引用,提高查询的可读性和可维护性...
2 FOLLOWING #指定后2行 UNBOUNDED PRECEDING #前面所有行 YNBOUNDED FOLLOWING #后面所有行 CURRENT ROW #当前行 SELECTdate,home_goal,away_goal,SUM(home_goal)OVER(ORDERBYdateROWSBETWEENunboundedprecedingANDcurrentrow)ASrunning_total,AVG(home_goal)OVER(ORDERBYdateROWSBETWEENunboundedprecedingANDcurrentrow)AS...
A running total refers to the sum of values in all cells of a column that precedes the next cell in that particular column. Let’s take a look at an example to make this clearer. As you can see, the third row of the RunningAgeTotal column contains the sum of all the values in th...
Filter on a Running Total Conclusion What is a Running Total? A running total, or cumulative sum, is a value that indicates the total of a value in the current row and all rows above it. It can be used across a span of time, to find the total order value so far for an eCommerce...