1).数据 2). sum(LABST) over() 3). sum(LABST) over(order by MATNR) 4).sum(LABST) over(order by MATNR,ZWEEK) 5).sum(LABST) over(partition by MATNR order by MATNR) 6).sum(LABST) over(partition by MATNR order by MATNR,ZWEEK)...
1).数据 2). sum(LABST) over() 3). sum(LABST) over(order by MATNR) 4).sum(LABST) over(order by MATNR,ZWEEK) 5).sum(LABST) over(partition by MATNR order by MATNR) 6).sum(LABST) over(partition by MATNR order by MATNR,ZWEEK)...
1、select v1,v2,sum(v2) over(order by v2) as sum --按照 v2排序,累计n+n-1+...+1 from wmg_test; 2、select v1,v2,sum(v2) over(partition by v1 order by v2) as sum --先分组,组内在进行 1 中的操作 from wmg_test; 3、select v1,v2,sum(v2) over(partition by v1 order by...
至于窗口函数,也是sql的重头戏,很多人最多用个sum() over()就认为自己会使用窗口函数。 窗函数最常用的写法是sum( a * (case when ) ) over(partition by order by rows between x preceding and current row) 如果给你一个更复杂的场景,需要把数据多次聚合,比如订单-》用户-活动-》用户,你能应付的过来么。
<窗口函数> over (partition by <用于分组的列名> order by <用于排序的列名>) 那么语法中的<窗口函数>都有哪些呢? <窗口函数>的位置,可以放以下两种函数: 1) 专用窗口函数,包括后面要讲到的rank, dense_rank, row_number等专用窗口函数。 2) 聚合函数,如sum. avg, count, max, min等 ...
SUM(列名) over (ORDER BY <用于排序的列名>) 1. 累计平均,用AVG(); AVG(列名) over (ORDER BY <用于排序的列名>) 1. 所以,可得出“累计求和”问题的万能模板是: SELECT 列1, 列2, SUM(列名) over (ORDER BY <用于排序的列名>) AS 累计值的别名 ...
cume_dist / sum() over 累积百分比的应用场景也很多,比如说,想看前XX%的用户贡献了XX%的总额。 这个地方需要两个函数的使用,1是XX%的用户,2是XX%的总额。 select*,cume_dist()OVER(PARTITIONBYdepartmentORDERBYcostdesc)ascum_dist,sum(cost)OVER(PARTITIONBYdepartmentORDERBYcostdesc)/sum(cost)OVER(PART...
分析思路 select 查询结果 [总成绩:sum(成绩), 学号] from 从哪张表中查找数据 [成绩表score] where 查询条件 [没有] group by 分组 [学生的总成绩:按照每个学生学号进行分组] order by 排序 [按照总成绩进行排序:sum(成绩)]; /* select 学号 ,sum(成绩) from score group by 学号 order by sum(成绩...
S far, I've tried this, but the over partitions cannot go with a group by. -- Logic to obtain the output:--VT_AU -> grouping by VT, sum of BE--VT_AU8 -> grouping by VT, sum of BE when AU=8--VK_AU -> grouping by VK, sum of BE--VK_AU8 -> grouping by VK, sum of...
Find Multiple Values in a string Find Non Numeric Value in column? Find Number of Occurences of character in Given String Find object owner Find partitions, row count of each partition of a partition table Find root of each ID in tree table SQL Find rows divisible by amount find table names...