At first glance, if the input date is a weekend you may be tempted to bump it to the next Monday. Then add the days. But this only works if N is less than a working week. As soon as it spans a weekend, it falls apart. You need to bypass an unknown number of non-work...
--If EndDate is a Saturday, Subtract 1 -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw,@EndDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ) END 作为其使用的一个简单示例,我将运行此类查询: SELECT MYTABLE.EntryDate ,dbo.fn_WorkDays(MYTABLE.EntryDate, getutcdate()) as WorkingDays FROM MYTABLE MyTable可以包含5000行...
selecteventfromeventswhereevent_date>=subtractDays(today(),10); sql 1.4.1 events表 在任何情况下,都强烈建议采用event_date作为日期过滤条件,如需更加精确的时间区间,可采用event_date+event_time进行限制。 event_date event_date表示事件发生的日期,精确到天,可用于加快查询速度,缺省时默认为过去7天(包含今天...
days, using the knowledge that there are 5 business days in every calendar week (7 days). If...
The following example subtracts a number of days from adatetimedate. Applies to: SQL Server and SQL Database. SQL -- Uses the AdventureWorks sample databaseDECLARE@altstartdate DATETIME;SET@altstartdate =CONVERT(DATETIME,'January 10, 1900 3:00 AM',101);SELECT@altstartdate -1.5AS'Subtract ...
Once we have obtained the total number of days, we now need to: Calculate the total number of weeks between two dates, and then Subtracts those number of weeks from the total number of days In order to do this calculation, we again use the DATEDIFF function but this time we change...
These are the few constraints while working with SQL subtract dates. If the date argument is incremented to a value outside the range of its data type, then DATEADD returns an error. In the following example, the number value added to the date value exceeds the range of the date data typ...
Learn 登入 Azure 產品 架構 開發 了解Azure 疑難排解 資源 入口網站免費帳戶 這個主題有部分內容可能由機器或 AI 翻譯。 解除警示 搜尋 資源 接下來會有什麼? 文件封存 閱讀英文版本 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 分享方式: Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 ...
try_subtract 函式 try_sum 函式 try_to_binary 函式 try_to_number 函式 try_to_timestamp 函式 try_url_decode 函式 try_validate_utf8 函式 try_variant_get 函式 try_zstd_decompress 函式 typeof 函式 ucase 函式 unbase64 函式 unhex 函式 一致函式 unix_date 函式 unix_micros 函式 unix...
Note that it is possible to perform date arithmetic: I subtract the value returned by SYSTIMESTAMP from the value returned by SYSDATE. The result is an interval that is very close (but not quite equal) to zero. Converting dates to strings and strings to dates. As with TO_CHAR for number...