StoredProcedureParameters StoredProcedureTableTypeParameterName TableOption AzureSqlSource AzureSqlTableDataset AzureStorageAuthenticationType AzureStorageLinkedService AzureSynapseArtifactsLinkedService AzureTableDataset AzureTableSink AzureTableSource AzureTableStorageLinkedService BigDataPoolParametrizationRefe...
The stored procedure parameter name of the table type. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). C# คัดลอก public object StoredProcedureTableTypeParameterName { get; set; } Property Value Object Applies to ผลิตภัณฑ์เ...
OutputParameter("mm", "raw") # connections string conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;", "Trusted_Connection=Yes;") # create the stored procedure object sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure("train1", "spTest1", id, out, filePath = ".")...
使用一个DROP PROCEDURE 语句可将这些分组过程一起删除。例如,名称为 orders的应用程序可能使用名为 orderproc;1、orderproc;2等的过程。DROP PROCEDURE orderproc 语句将删除整个组。如果名称中包舍分隔标识符,则数字不应包含在标识符中;只应在procedure_name 前后使用适当的分隔符。 @parameter:存储过程中的参数。...
mysql>DELIMITER//mysql>CREATEPROCEDUREdemo_out_parameter(OUT p_outint)->BEGIN->SELECTp_out;->SETp_out=2;->SELECTp_out;->END;->//mysql>DELIMITER ; 执行结果: mysql>SET@p_out=1; mysql>CALL sp_demo_out_parameter(@p_out);+---+|p_out|+---+|NULL|+---++---+|p_out|+---+|...
CREATEPROCEDURESelectAllCustomers AS SELECT*FROMCustomers GO; Execute the stored procedure above as follows: Example EXECSelectAllCustomers; Stored Procedure With One Parameter The following SQL statement creates a stored procedure that selects Customers from a particular City from the "Customers" table:...
can be used as a parameter for a Transact-SQL stored procedure. You can use a user-defined table type to declare a table-valued parameter as to a parameter for a Transact-SQL stored procedure. Table-valued parameters can be specified as input parameters only, and they must be accompanied ...
Can't access temporary table inside function Can't add datetime column with default value in SQL Server 2005 Can't change the currente collate of my database Can't copy the result of a query? Can't declare table parameter as input to stored procedure Can't delete rows from Mgt Studio ...
SqlC.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure SqlC.CommandText ="SetAppFlag" SqlC.Parameters.Add("@RoleID", SqlDbType.Int) '这里后面必须带上类型,否则报错 SqlC.Parameters(0).Value = RoleID SqlC.Parameters.Add("@AppFlagTable", SqlDbType.Structured) ...
By specifying procedure parameters, calling programs are able to pass values into the body of the procedure. Those values can be used for a variety of purposes during procedure execution. Procedure parameters can also return values to the calling program if the parameter is marked as an OUTPUT ...