A procedure can have a maximum of 2100 parameters; each assigned a name, data type, and direction. Optionally, parameters can be assigned default values.The following section provides information about passing values into parameters and about how each of the parameter attributes is used during a ...
You can designate values for input parameters within a stored procedure at the time that you run it. You can run a stored procedure with an exec statement that designates the name of the stored procedure you want to run. After the stored procedure name in the exec statement, you c...
A procedure can have a maximum of 2100 parameters; each assigned a name, data type, and direction. Optionally, parameters can be assigned default values.The following section provides information about passing values into parameters and about how each of the parameter attributes is used during a ...
存储过程(Stored Procedure),是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句,类似一门程序设计语言,也包括了数据类型、流程控制、输入和输出和它自己的函数库。存储过程可以说是一个记录集,它是由一些T-SQL语句组成的代码块,这些T-SQL语句代码像一个方法一样实现一些功能(对单表或多表的增删改查),然后再给这个代码块取一个...
Please start any new threads on our new site at All Forums SQL Server 2000 Forums SQL Server Development (2000) setting a STORED PROCEDURE a default time value
存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句集,经编译后存储在数据库。中用户通过指定存储过程的名字并给出参数(如果该存储过程带有参数)来执行它。 在SQL Server 的系列版本中存储过程分为两类:系统提供的存储过程和用户自定义存储过程。系统过程主要存储在master 数据库中并以sp_为前缀,并且系统存...
executeStoredProcedure getInputParameters InputData InputParameter OutputData OutputParameter registerStoredProcedure setInputDataQuery setInputParameterValue StoredProcedure 资源 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 ...
executeStoredProcedure getInputParameters InputData InputParameter OutputData OutputParameter registerStoredProcedure setInputDataQuery setInputParameterValue StoredProcedure 资源 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 ...
Stored procedure parameters must not be defined as: A LOB type The XML data type A distinct data type that is based on a LOB or XML value An array type that is defined with array elements that are a LOB type A value must not be assigned to a global variable when an autonomous procedu...
CREATE PROCEDUREprocedure(param [mode] datatype) Formal 和 Actual 参数 Formal parameter 在子程序定义部分声明的一种本地变量 CREATEPROCEDUREraise_sal(idNUMBER,salNUMBER)ISBEGIN...ENDraise_sal; Actual parameters 可以是具体的值也可以是主程序的变量 ...