The problem with your query is that you are searching for a single role that is both Director and Actor: both conditions cannot be true at the same time, so the query comes up empty. Whenever you need to look across multiple rows, aggregation comes to mind: SELECTp.*FROMmtm_credits mJO...
Here, theCASEstatement checks if theamountis greater than or equal to400. If this condition is satisfied, a new columnoffer_pricewill contain the values equal toamount - amount * 10/100. CASE With Multiple Conditions It is also possible to stack multiple conditions inside a singleCASEclause. ...
The SET options in the Required value column are required whenever any of the following conditions occur:You create a filtered index. An INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement modifies data in a filtered index. The filtered index is used by the query optimizer to produce the query plan....
I generally recommend using Parameters but it is also possible to put all of your action queries in a single statement:prettyprint 复制 Public Sub CreateCommand(ByVal connectionString As String) Using connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString) Dim query As String = "INSERT INTO tbl_...
Refer to the section devoted to a particular SQL statement in this book for information on restrictions on the conditions in that statement. Condition Precedence Precedence is the order in which Oracle Database evaluates different conditions in the same expression. When evaluating an expression ...
A CREATE USER statement can have multiple QUOTA clauses for multiple tablespaces. UNLIMITED allows the user to allocate space in the tablespace without bound. PROFILE reassigns the profile named to the user. The profile limits the amount of database resources the user can use. If you omit...
Example - Using "AND" Condition with the UPDATE Statement Now, let's look at an example of how to use the AND condition in anUPDATE statement. This will test for multiple conditions to be met before a record is updated. In this example, we have a table calledsupplierswith the following...
Nested CASE Statement in the WHERE Clause You can combine multiple conditions with a nested CASE statement in the WHERE clause. For example, we want records from the [SalesOrderHeader] table where the orderdate is between specified dates. If this condition is satisfied, check for orders with a...
Consider this statement, which identifies【aɪˈdentɪfaɪz确认;发现;鉴定;显示;找到;认出;说明身份;】 collations for the utf8mb4 character set: mysql>SELECTCOLLATION_NAMEFROMINFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITYWHERECHARACTER_SET_NAME='utf8mb4';+---+|COLLATION_NAME|+---...