within each partition in descending manner keeping null values to be first.>SELECT/*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */age,name, zip_codeFROMpersonSORTBYageDESCNULLSFIRST; NULL John V 94588 50 Zen Hui 94588 27 Anil K 94588 18 Dan Li 94588 NULL Lalit B. 94511 42 David K 9451...
within each partition in descending manner keeping null values to be first.>SELECT/*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */age,name, zip_codeFROMpersonSORTBYageDESCNULLSFIRST; NULL John V 94588 50 Zen Hui 94588 27 Anil K 94588 18 Dan Li 94588 NULL Lalit B. 94511 42 David K 94511 18 Aryan B...
表达式级排序规则在语句运行时设置,并且影响结果集的返回方式。 这可以使 ORDER BY 排序结果特定于区域设置。 要实现表达式级别的排序规则,请使用如下代码示例的 COLLATE 子句:SQL 复制 SELECT name FROM customer ORDER BY name COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI; ...
表达式级排序规则在语句运行时设置,并且影响结果集的返回方式。 这可以使 ORDER BY 排序结果特定于区域设置。 要实现表达式级别的排序规则,请使用如下代码示例的 COLLATE 子句:SQL 复制 SELECT name FROM customer ORDER BY name COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI; ...
Specifies that the values in the specified column should be sorted in ascending or descending order.ASCsorts from the lowest value to highest value.DESCsorts from highest value to lowest value.ASCis the default sort order.NULLvalues are treated as the lowest possible values. ...
竖列:column field 关键词大写(不强求) 注释:Comments are text placed between certain characters,/*and/, or after two dashes (--*) as shown below. 查询querying SELECT某属性FROM某数据库;SELECT属性1,属性2FROM某数据库;SELECT*FROM某数据库;SELECT某属性FROM某数据库 LIMIT10;--返回10个recordSELECTDIS...
表达式级排序规则在语句运行时设置,并且影响结果集的返回方式。 这可以使 ORDER BY 排序结果特定于区域设置。 要实现表达式级别的排序规则,请使用如下代码示例的 COLLATE 子句:SQL 复制 SELECT name FROM customer ORDER BY name COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI; ...
LAG/LEAD(column,N) OVER (...) Common Table Expression(CTE) in SQL Atemporary result setthat you can reference within a SQL query. Defined using theWITHclause. CTEs areonly visible to the SQL statement that immediately follows them.
使用ORDER BY子句可以对查询结果进行排序,ORDER BY子句一定要写在所有查询语句的最后;详细介绍Restricting and Sorting Data Limit the rows that are retrieved by a query 限制从查询中返回的行Sort the rows that are retrieved by a query 对查询返回的行进行排序...
Determines the ascending or descending sort direction for the particular index column. The default is ASC.INCLUDE (column [ ,... n ] )Specifies the non-key columns to be added to the leaf level of a nonclustered index. The nonclustered index can be unique or non-unique....