public SqlConnection { public SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider RetryLogicProvider; } public SqlCommand { public SqlRetryLogicBaseProvider RetryLogicProvider; } 如需API 使用範例,請前往:C# 複製 using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; /// Detecting retriable exceptions is a vital part of the retry pattern. /...
Show 2 more Applies to:Azure SQL Database Moving from the traditional self-managed, self-controlled environment to a PaaS environment can seem a bit overwhelming at first. As an app developer or a DBA, you would want to know the core capabilities of the platform that would help you keep ...
If you want to create non-Microsoft Entra ID (Microsoft Entra ID) connections, use the connection string authentication option. Make sure that you provide the same Server name and Database name values as defined in your connection.Microsoft Entra ID authentication...
"No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statment over MSDTC "Restricted data type attribute violation" error and SQLS 2017, ODBC Drivers 11 & 13 for SQL Server "SELECT * INTO table FROM" a stored procedure? Possible? "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT..." ...
312902877 When you use the AZDATA BDC ROTATE command to rotate the password of a SQL Server big data cluster that uses Active Directory, you receive the following error message: Failed to update password for existing AD account '<AccountName>'. Error code: 30 SQL Server Engine SQL Big Data...
An attempt to restart the security daemon has failed after communication between the agents and the security daemon was severed or the security daemon terminated abnormally. All new connections to the database manager will be rejected, as authentication is not possible. ...
The application could not connect to the database because the active codepage is different from the one that was active when the database was created. The command cannot be processed. User response Exit the current application program and return to the operating system. Change the code page for...
Type the port number of the SMTP server for this account. Most SMTP servers use port 25 or 587, or port 465 for SSL connections. This server requires a secure connection (SSL) Encrypts communication using Secure Sockets Layer. Windows Authentication using Database Engine service credentials ...
User must be a member of SQL Server Agent fixed database roles or the sysadmin role. Only job owners or members of sysadmin can modify jobs. Assigning a job to another login does not guarantee sufficient permissions to run the job. - quickly retrieve the version of an RDS database to know which JDBC jar version to download using install/download_* when setting up connections - checks AWS Route 53 public hosted zones NS servers are delegated in the public...