Creates a sqlcmd scripting variable that can be used in a sqlcmd script. Enclose the value in quotation marks if the value contains spaces. You can specify multiple ="<value>" values. If there are errors in any of the values specified, sqlcmd generates an error message and then exits....
SET VAR myvar1 = 11, myvar2 = 'hello'; > VALUES (myvar1, myvar2); 11 hello -- Set multiple variables based on a query > SET VARIABLE (myvar1, myvar2) = (SELECT max(c1), CAST(min(c1) AS STRING) FROM VALUES(1), (2) AS T(c1)); > VALUES (myvar1, myvar2); 2 ...
void main() { HRESULT hr; IDBInitialize* pIDBInitialize = NULL; ICommandText* pICommandText = NULL; IMultipleResults* pIMultipleResults = NULL; IRowset* pIRowset = NULL; hr = InitializeAndEstablishConnection(&pIDBInitialize); CHKHR_GOTO(hr, L"Failed to establish connection.", _ExitMain); hr...
CASE Statement on multiple columns CASE STATEMENT RETURNING MULTIPLE ROWS Case Statement returning multiple values CASE statement returns "Invalid Column Name" Error Case statement that increments variable with 1 is giving error Case Statement using Divide CASE Statement when not null , else if Help Ca...
The null values must be updated to some value before the ALTER COLUMN NOT NULL is allowed, for example: SQL Copy UPDATE MyTable SET NullCol = N'some_value' WHERE NullCol IS NULL; ALTER TABLE MyTable ALTER COLUMN NullCOl NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL; When you create or alter a table ...
values of the parameter, also known as a parameter sensitive plan.Parameterized queries can have multiple cached query plans for different selectivity categories of a parameter. Parameter sensitive plan optimization is enabled by default in compatibility level 160. For more information, seePSP ...
variable that has multiple values is placed at index 1, the second value of the same variable is placed at index 2, and so on. The PL/SQL application should not rely on the ordering of the arguments passed by mod_plsql, as it can change without notice. If the order of the values ...
For some statistics, you might need to increase the sampling ratio using the WITH SAMPLE ... PERCENT or WITH FULLSCAN clauses (this is not common). Monitor index fragmentation and page density over time to see if there is a correlation between these values trending up or down, and query ...
The following example creates a variable that represents a stored procedure name.SQL Copy DECLARE @proc_name AS VARCHAR (30); SET @proc_name = 'sys.sp_who'; EXECUTE @proc_name; F. Use EXECUTE with DEFAULTThe following example creates a stored procedure with default values for the first ...
In more detail, SQL Server creates thehistogramfrom the sorted set of column values in three steps: Histogram initialization: In the first step, a sequence of values starting at the beginning of the sorted set is processed, and up to 200 values ofrange_high_key,equal_rows,range_rows, and...