--Create the partition scheme and function, align this to the number of CPU cores 1:1 up to 32 core computer -- so for below this is aligned to 16 core system CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [pf_hash16] (tinyint) AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,...
(SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY语句属性可以为动态游标SQL_CONCUR_VALUES。SQL_CA2_SENSITIVITY_ADDITIONS = 添加的行对动态游标可见;游标可以滚动到这些行。 (这些行添加到游标的位置依赖于驱动程序。SQL_CA2_SENSITIVITY_DELETIONS = 已删除的行不再可用于动态游标,并且不会在结果集中留下“洞”;动态游标从已删除行滚动后,...
Array data type in SQL server Array's IN SQL SERVER? ASCII values for extended characters Assign empty string '' if datetime is null Assign EXEC output to Variable Assigning NULL value to column name using Case Statement of where is SQL SERVER 2008 atomic if not exists() and insert or upd...
报错:Update row with Key (id)=(xxxx) multiple times或者duplicate key value violates unique constraint 问题原因:违反唯一性约束,执行UPDATE、INSERT ON CONFLICT或INSERT操作时,主键存在重复数据。 解决方法: 若INSERT语法报错:可以改为INSERT INTO xx ON CONFLICT的语法,实现主键去重,详情请参见INSERT ON CONFLIC...
CASE 简单表达式,它通过将表达式与一组简单的表达式进行比较来确定结果。 CASE 搜索表达式,它通过计算一组布尔表达式来确定结果。 这两种格式都支持可选的 ELSE 参数。 CASE 可用于允许使用有效表达式的任意语句或子句。例如,可以在 SELECT、UPDATE、DELETE 和 SET 等语句以及 select_list、IN、WHERE、ORDER BY 和 HA...
Changes made to a result set by another process or thread while data is being read may be visible to the user of theSqlDataReader. However, the precise behavior is timing dependent. IsClosedandRecordsAffectedare the only properties that you can call after theSqlDataReaderis closed. Although th...
000 rows, a 1 percent random sample should return a set of 1000 random Rowids. Pure_random, seeded_random, and newid_random are the columns that I use to employ the three techniques listed earlier. For example, pure_random will have values obtained from successive calls to the Rand() ...
The CASE expression returns a variable-length (varchar) type if it includes char and varchar values. Medium SET XACT_ABORT OFF is allowed inside a trigger. SET XACT_ABORT OFF is not allowed inside a trigger. Medium The FOR BROWSE clause is allowed (and ignored) in views. ...
Correct the parameter value by looking up the valid values in the audit facility reference. 5 Specify the correct count and allocate/initialize the appropriate length for variable length parameters. 6 Correct the length allocated for Configure/Describe parameter based on the error token that is retur...