While all demos in this article are in SQL Server, the advice presented here is universal across database platforms. The challenges posed by triggers are also seen in MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and many others. What are triggers? SQL Server triggers can be defined on the...
SQL Server Syntax Azure SQL Database Syntax Arguments Remarks for DML Triggers Show 6 more Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Creates a DML, DDL, or logon trigger. A trigger is a special type of stored procedure that automatically runs when an event occurs...
-- SQL Server Syntax-- Trigger on an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to a table or view (DML Trigger)CREATE[ORALTER]TRIGGER[schema_name. ]trigger_nameON{ table | view } [WITH<dml_trigger_option>[ ,...n ] ] {FOR|AFTER|INSTEADOF} { [INSERT] [ , ] [UPDATE] [ , ] [DELETE...
-- SQL Server Syntax-- Trigger on an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to a table or view (DML Trigger)ALTERTRIGGERschema_name.trigger_nameON( table | view ) [WITH<dml_trigger_option>[ ,...n ] ] (FOR|AFTER|INSTEADOF) { [DELETE] [ , ] [INSERT] [ , ] [UPDATE] } [NOTFOR...
Here's the result set. Output Copy (1 row(s) affected) Test1Col --- 1 (1 row(s) affected) Test2Col --- 2 When you create local or global temporary tables, the CREATE TABLE syntax supports constraint definitions except for FOREIGN KEY constraints. If a FOREIGN KEY constraint is ...
The programs are called triggers since an event, such as adding a record to a table, fires their execution. Triggers and their implementations are specific to database vendors. In this article we’ll focus on Microsoft SQL server; however, the concepts are the same or similar in Oracle an...
What are the trigger differences between PostgreSQL and SQL Server? Compare the triggers in PostgreSQL vs. MSSQL 中文:两个数据库的trigger比较 PostgreSQL具有高级触发器。支持的触发事件为AFTER、BEFORE和INSTEAD OF,并可用于INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE事件。函数可用于在触发器被调用时执行复杂的SQL。PostgreSQL可以...
Review the architectural differences between SQL Server 2000 and the Sybase server that require changes to administrative procedures. Migrate data and objects using DTS. Review Sybase stored procedures, triggers, SQL scripts, and applications for necessary language changes. ...
ENCRYPTION可用于创建或更改VIEW、Stored Procedure、Trigger或用户定义函数(UDF user define function)时。ENCRYPTION选项指示SQL SERVER在内部以代码混淆方式存储对象定义文本。 --由于创建视图时没有使用ENCRYPTION,可以得到创建视图的定义语句SELECTOBJECT_DEFINITION(OBJECT_ID('Sales.USACusts'))--使用ENCRYPTION,偷懒使用...
触发器和普通的存储过程的区别是:触发器是当对某一个表进行操作。诸如:update、insert、delete这些操作的时候,系统会自动调用执行该表上对应的触发器。SQL Server 2005中触发器可以分为两类:DML触发器和DDL触发器,其中DDL触发器它们会影响多种数据定义语言语句而激发,这些语句有create、alter、drop语句。