SQL Server SQL Server A family of Microsoft relational database management and analysis systems for e-commerce, line-of-business, and data warehousing solutions. 14,368 questions 0 answers SSRS Report Server Connection refused Hello, i have trouble with SSRS, when i try to connect on the local...
從Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server 4.0 版開始,您可以在連線屬性中指定 (高可用性、災害復原) 可用性群組 (AG) 的可用性群組接聽程式。 如果 Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server 應用程式已連線至容錯移轉的 Always On 資料庫,則原始連線會中斷,且應用程式必須在容錯移轉後開啟新...
SQL Server错误 515 - 无法在 GL 中插入 Null 值。 TechKnowledge 内容 潜在原因 :1. 如果发布到帐户处于非活动状态 (,) 在 01.520 或 01.520 总帐后事务中发生。 请参阅分辨率 21476。 2. 在 01.400 和 01.400 (常规账本发布 GL 批处理) 。在 01.010 的"日记事务"屏幕中启动批时,字段 (填充)...
This article discusses Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server support for high-availability, disaster recovery: Always On availability groups. For more information about Always On availability groups, see SQL Server 2012 (11.x) Books Online. Beginning in version 4.0 of the Microsoft JDBC Driver for ...
Update center for Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server support lifecycle How to determine the version and edition of SQL Server and its components The script to determine which version and edition of SQL Server Database Engine is running Naming schema and ...
访问https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/SQL-Server-Integration-Services/bg-p/SSIS,直接从产品团队获取有关 SSIS 的最新信息、提示、新闻和公告。扩展市场中列出了集成服务 (SSIS) 扩展发行说明。 组件下载 常见问题 当ExecuteOutOfProcess 设置为“True”时,SSIS 执行包任务不支持调试。
前往https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/SQL-Server-Integration-Services/bg-p/SSIS,即可直接從產品小組取得有關 SSIS 的最新資訊、提示、新聞和公告。 Integration Services (SSIS) 擴充功能版本資訊會列在延伸模組市集上。 元件下載 常見的問題 當ExecuteOutOfProcess 設定為 True 時,SSIS 執行套件工作不支援偵...
Many of the technologies discussed are only available in SQL Server 2008 Enterprise, while others have limitations in SQL Server 2008 Standard (or lower). A summary table of edition support for the features discussed in the white paper is included in the final section. Furthermore, the SQL Ser...