上个月,AWS官方博客提到了Principled Technologies的又一个测试报告,说的是在AWS上运行的SQL Server比在Azure上运行得还好,延迟低,性能高,成本还低一大大大截。于是就标题党出了本文的题目。AWS方案是EBS gp3块存储加上EC2 r5b.16xlarge实例,对比的是Azure的两种存储加上E64ds_v4 VM实例,无论是延迟,还...
作为故障排除的一部分,如果自定义容器存在 SQL Server 启动问题或其他一些 SQL Server 异常/错误,则Microsoft可以要求卸载自定义项或添加特定工具或包来帮助排查和复制问题。 如果在删除自定义项后未发生此问题,则Microsoft将不支持自定义或自定义脚本。 不支持在使用 SQL Linux 容器的其他Microsoft产品(例如 Azure Arc...
Microsoft Developer Network Stack Overflow 上的 SQL Server Azure 支持 虚拟机和模板 Microsoft Learn SQL Server 学习路径 快速启动模板 电子书 “Azure 虚拟机上的 SQL Server” Packt 电子书 报告 GigaOm 性价比基准报告 Azure 虚拟机上 SQL Server 的常见问题...
On top of that, AWS’s storage price-performance exceeded Azure’s. The Azure managed disks offered 53 percent more storage than the EBS storage, but the EC2 instance with EBS storagecost 24 percent less than the Azure VMwith managed disks. Even by reducing Azure storage by the difference i...
降低TCO。將 SQL Server 工作負載遷移至雲端,以取得 SQL Server 的高可用性/災害復原和安全性,並結合 Azure 的彈性和混合式連線能力。
Windows or macOS. But you can run Windows-based containers only on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition or higher or Windows Server 2016—they can’t run on Linux or macOS. Keep in mind that Docker also runs on Azure and AWS, so you can move from development to production in the ...
CF_資源後綴的無效字符 AWS、CF_資源後綴的無效字符 AZURE、CF_資源後綴的無效字符 GCP、CF_資源後綴限制、CF_資源後綴限制 GCP、CF_保留期大於文件最大年齡、CF_需要來源目錄路徑、CF_狀態不正確的 SQL 參數、CF_狀態無效的檢查點路徑、CF_狀態無效版本、CF_無法推導流檢查點位置、CF_無法檢測文件格式、CF_...
"mssql.connections": [ {"authenticationType":"SqlLogin","server":"thedatafarmsqlserver.database.windows.net","database":"AdventureWorksSample","user":"me","password":"mypassword","savePassword":true,"profileName":"AzureAWSample"} } ] ...
Microsoft Certified: Azure Database Administrator Associate - Certifications Microsoft PaaS 관계형 데이터베이스 제공 사항을 사용하여 클라우드, 온-프레미스 및 하이브리드 관계형 데이터베이스에 대한 SQL Server 데이...
Windows Authentication AWS Managed Microsoft AD Azure Active Directory identities Server-level security role for creating logins securityadmin fixed server role loginmanager database role in the master database Commands for managing logins CREATE LOGIN, A...