DECLARE@xmlDataXMLSET@xmlData='<root> <item>Item 1</item> <item>Item 2</item> <item>Item 3</item> </root>'SELECTSTUFF((SELECT','+x.value('.','nvarchar(max)')FROM@xmlData.nodes('/root/item')AST(x)FORXML PATH('')),1,1,'')ASCommaSeparatedList ...
$sql = "UPDATE `table` SET `field` = 'value' WHERE `item_id` IN (comma separated list of item_ids)";如果我执行上面的查询,我如何才能找出哪个item_id被更新了?注意,item_ids的逗号分隔列表中的一些id在‘表’中不存在,否则答案将是逗号分隔列表中的每个 浏览1提问于2013-02-18得票数 1 1回答 ...
So here's the new version that corrects all of that. Multi-column keys are shown as comma-separated lists in FK_columns and PK_columns, using the traditional FOR XML/STUFF abuse. The FK_indexes column shows the names of any indexes on the foreign-key table that could potentially be ...
Alternative way STUFF for XML PATH ('') ? Am getting an error when i run this code Ambiguous Column Name An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement... An error occurred while executing batch. Error message is: Error creating window handle. SQL SERVER 2008 An err...
B. Generate list of names separated with comma withoutNULLvalues The following example replaces null values with 'N/A' and returns the names separated by commas in a single result cell. SQL USEAdventureWorks2022; GOSELECTSTRING_AGG(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),ISNULL(FirstName,'N/A')),',')AScsv...
One review can have one or more consultants.I am trying to get the consultants for each review in a column with comma separated. Note: names of the consultants are present in users table. When I am trying to run the above query I am getting above error.Any help is greatly appreciated!
This example uses a comma separator value (,), and adds the carriage return characterCHAR(13)in the column separated values format of the result set. SQL SELECTSTRING_AGG(CONCAT_WS(',', database_id, recovery_model_desc, containment_desc),CHAR(13))ASDatabaseInfoFROMsys.databases; ...
is comma-separated list of variable length, containing , ,… arguments. Like the PRINT statement, this kind of RAISERROR statement is converted differently in Full and Optimistic mode. Constant format If is empty, SSMA converts the statement to: RAISERROR (, 16...
@IgnoreQueryHashes - if you know some queries suck and you don't want to see them, you can pass in a comma-separated list of them. @OnlySqlHandles, @IgnoreSqlHandles - just like the above two params @DatabaseName - if you only want to analyze plans in a single database. However,...
maximum value from a comma separated column in sql Measure network bandwidth of SQL Server Memory Pages Per second is too High MEMORYCLERK_SQLBUFFERPOOL in sql server 2008 ? Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is unable to locate a domain/user object Microsoft text driver or access CSV file ...