Applies to:SQL Server Returns the length of the string in characters. Syntax fn:string-length() as xs:integer fn:string-length($arg as xs:string?) as xs:integer Arguments $arg Source string whose length is to be computed. Remarks
Applies to:SQL Server Returns the length of the string in characters. Syntax fn:string-length() as xs:integer fn:string-length($arg as xs:string?) as xs:integer Arguments $arg Source string whose length is to be computed. Remarks
LEN(string_expression) 1. 其中,string_expression是要计算长度的字符串表达式。下面是一个例子: SELECTLEN('Hello World')ASLength; 1. 输出结果为: Length --- 11 1. 2. 3. 2. DATALENGTH函数 DATALENGTH函数可以用来返回一个字符串的字节数,包括末尾的空格。下面是DATALENGTH函数的语法: DATALENGTH(expression...
8) SUBSTRING() 语法:SUBSTRING(expression, start, length) 描述:返回 SQL Server 中的字符、二进制、文本或图像表达式的一部分。 示例:SELECTSUBSTRING('截取子字符串',, 1) AS Column1, SUBSTRING('截取子字符串',, 4) AS Column1, SUBSTRING('截取子字符串',, 3) AS Column1; 结果: 9) UPPER() ...
SQL Server教程 - T-SQL-内置函数(Built-in Functions) 更新记录 转载请注明出处: 2022年8月1日 发布。 2022年7月2日 从笔记迁移到博客。 内置函数说明(FUNCTION) Sever 提供了众多功能强大、方便易用的函数。使用这些函数,可以极大地提高数据库的管理。SQL Server中的函数从功能方面主要分为以下几类:字符串...
1) SQL Server:asc正序 SELECTTOP 1column/*FROMtable_nameORDER BYcolumn_nameASC; 2) MYSQL: SELECTcolumnFROMtable_nameORDER BYcolumn_nameASCLIMIT 1; 3) ORACLE: SELECTcolumnFROMtableORDER BYcolumnASCWHERE ROWNUM <=1; 4) MS Access: SELECTFIRST(column_name) FROM table_name; ...
SQL Server has many built-in functions.This reference contains string, numeric, date, conversion, and some advanced functions in SQL Server.SQL Server String FunctionsFunctionDescription ASCII Returns the ASCII value for the specific character CHAR Returns the character based on the ASCII code ...
Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression in SQL Server. Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsql SUBSTRING( expression, start, length ) Arguments expression Is acharacter,binary,text,ntext, orimageexpression.
Returns part of a character, binary, text, or image expression in SQL Server. Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsql SUBSTRING( expression, start, length ) Arguments expression Is acharacter,binary,text,ntext, orimageexpression.
Applies to:SQL Server Returns part of the value of$sourceString, starting at the position indicated by the value of$startingLoc,and continues for the number of characters indicated by the value of$length. Syntax Copy fn:substring($sourceString as xs:string?, $startingLoc as xs:decimal?) as...