--https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/managing-logins-users-and-schemas-how-to-topics -- ---SQL Server quering roles, schemas, users,logins 查询三者的关系 --SQL Server 2000 system table --select * from sysusers --select * from syslogins -...
SELECT roles.principal_id AS RolePrincipalID, roles.name AS RolePrincipalName, database_role_members.member_principal_id AS MemberPrincipalID, members.name AS MemberPrincipalName FROM sys.database_role_members AS database_role_members INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS roles ON database_role_...
若要傳回伺服器角色的成員 (僅限 SQL Server),請執行下列陳述式。SQL 複製 SELECT roles.principal_id AS RolePrincipalID, roles.name AS RolePrincipalName, server_role_members.member_principal_id AS MemberPrincipalID, members.name AS MemberPrincipalName FROM sys.server_role_members AS server_role_...
-- SQL Server: list of users and roles SELECT dp.NAME AS principal_name, dp.TYPE_DESC AS principal_type_desc, o.NAME AS object_name, p.PERMISSION_NAME, p.STATE_DESC AS permission_state_desc FROM sys.database_permissions p LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_objects o ON p.MAJOR_ID = o.OBJECT...
--===导用户===---This script will output all user defined users, roles, along with the corresponding sp_addrolemember statementIFEXISTS(SELECT*FROMsys.database_principals uLEFTJOINsys.server_principals lONu.sid=l.sidWHEREu.type='s'ANDl.sidISNULLANDLEN(u.sid)<=16ANDu.sid<>0x0)BEGINPR...
Master Data Services 包括 SQL Server 数据库引擎实例上(承载 Master Data Services 数据库)自动安装的登录名、用户和角色。 不应对这些登录名、用户和角色做任何修改。登录展开表 登录名说明 mds_dlp_login 允许创建 UNSAFE 程序集。 有关详细信息,请参阅创建程序集。 -具有随机生成...
After selecting the Role Members, select the Memberships page. This will specify the server roles of which this user-defined server role will be a member. If you specify a server role on this screen, the users within the user-defined server role will also have the rights granted by that ...
SQL Server databases also have roles that specify a set of database level privileges that let a user perform specific tasks. Unlike server roles, database roles aren't fixed. They can be created, modified, and removed. Privileges and users can be assigned to a database role for bulk admini...
SQLServer中基于角色的访问控制应用.doc,SQLServer中基于角色的访问控制应用 摘要:在数据库系统里面,有大量敏感信息并且被不同用户共享,需要对他们安全保护,防止未经授权的访问。访问控制作为一种强有力的保护系统的方式,能保证信息的完整性和机
When you're using the traditional model, the server-level roles and server-level permissions can limit access to all databases. When you're using the contained database model, database owners and database users who have the ALTER ANY USER permission can grant access to the da...