How to see active SQL Server connections? SELECT DB_NAME(dbid) as DBName, loginame as LoginName, * FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid > 0 GROUP BY dbid, loginame ;
If you want to create non-Microsoft Entra ID (Microsoft Entra ID) connections, use the connection string authentication option. Make sure that you provide the same Server name and Database name values as defined in your connection.Microsoft Entra ID authentication...
Learn about the user connections option. See how it can help you avoid overloading an instance of SQL Server with too many concurrent connections.
number-of-active-connection-pools 作用中連線集區數 連接集區的總數。 number-of-inactive-connection-pools 非作用中連線集區數 最近未有任何活動且正等候處置 (Dispose) 的閒置中連接集區數目。 number-of-active-connections 使用中連線的數目 目前使用中的現用連接數目。 number-of-free-connections 連線...
To identify which account is running the SQL Server service, use the services.msc utility. You see the SQL Server service appear, along with the associated account.Step 2b: Find the account in Active DirectoryOnce you know the name of the account running the SQL Server service, you...
Encrypt connections to SQL Server Connect to SQL Server through a proxy server Configure a Windows Firewall for Database Engine access Hide an instance of SQL Server Database Engine Configure the Database Engine to listen on multiple TCP ports ...
ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER="MyServer";DATABASE="MyHRdb";TRUSTED_CONNECTION=Yes Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=MyHRdb; Integrated Security=SSPI; At first, there was SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) a stand-alone library that contained ODBC and OLEDB technologies and is...
SQL Server Engine Query Optimizer Windows 14135092 Ensures that the correct error is returned, when an invalid table name is referenced inside a SHORTEST_PATH query on graph tables in SQL Server. SQL Server Engine Query Optimizer All 14161380 Fixes an issue where you see USERSTORE_...
If you want to create non-Microsoft Entra ID (Microsoft Entra ID) connections, use the connection string authentication option. Make sure that you provide the same Server name and Database name values as defined in your connection.Microsoft Entra ID authentication...
A domain administrator must configure a Service Principal Name (SPN) in Active Directory for each availability group listener to enable Kerberos for client connections to the listener. When registering the SPN, you must use the service account of the server instance that hosts the availability replic...