包含的数据库用户在数据库级别对 SQL Server 连接进行身份验证。 包含的数据库是独立于其他数据库以及托管数据库的 SQL Server 实例(以及 master 数据库)的一种数据库。 SQL Server 支持包含的数据库用户进行 Windows 和 SQL Server 身份验证。以下建议和最佳实践可帮助保护你的标识和身份验证方法:使...
As a best practice, members of the sysadmin fixed server role should consider always connecting without using the initial catalog option. This connects the login to the master database and avoids any attempts by a database owner to misuse the login attempt. Then the administrator c...
In this article, I cover the essential SQL Server security best practices you need to follow. I will also go over why using a SQL security monitoring tool likeSecurity Event Manageris key to any effective sever threat management solution and the importance of having a SQL Server security strate...
manage, and retrieve data. As with any database system, security is paramount to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of stored data. This article will discuss some best practices forSQL Serversecurity and examples.
This guide is the second in a series of articles that covers SQL Server security best practices. Part 1 of this series discussed a SQL Server installation’s physical security, operating system security, and application maintenance. Additionally, the previous guide outlined how to disable unnecessary...
SQL Server Security Configuration We will set up some of the security features here. Disable all network protocols except “Shared Memory”: Validate in SQL Server Configuration Manager that all services except “SQL Server” are disabled:
Summary: Get security recommendations on Microsoft SQL Server installation, administration, and deployment, and dig into the details of the SQL Server security model. This paper applies to SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3). It is intended for administrators and developers....
Summary: SQL Server 2005 implemented the concept of a database object schema. A schema is a distinct namespace to facilitate the separation, management, and ownership of database objects. It removed the tight coupling of database objects and owners to improve the security administration of databa...
最佳做法是,创建有密码的包含数据库用户时,其名称不得与 SQL Server 登录名相同。 如果存在重复的登录名,请连接到 master 数据库,但不要指定初始目录,然后执行 USE 命令转到包含的数据库。 存在包含的数据库时,非包含数据库的用户应连接到数据库引擎,但不要使用初始目录,或者将非包含数据库的数据库...
您必須先為 SQL Server 登入與發行集資料庫中的資料庫使用者建立關聯,才能夠將該登入新增至 PAL 中。 遵循最小權限原則,僅授與 PAL 中登入執行複寫工作所需的權限。 請勿將登入加入任何不要求複寫的固定資料庫角色或伺服器角色中。 如需有關所需權限的詳細資訊,請參閱< Replication Agent Security Model >和<...