The default is OFF, which disables query optimization hotfixes that were released after the highest available compatibility level was introduced for a specific version (post-RTM). Setting this to ON is equivalent to enabling Trace Flag 4199.Applies to: SQL Server (Starting with SQL Server 2016...
SQL Server 2014 RTM download link SQL Server 2016 - Named pipes still accepts a connection even when disabled in configuration manager SQL Server 2016 Instance Not Starting, Not Able to Connect Via SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server 2016 memory pressure leads to the plan cache clearing SQL ...
DBCC CHECKTABLEandDBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS, when analyzing the improved precision and conversion logic introduced with compatibility level 130 for specific data types, on a database that has a lower compatibility level. Note: This trace flag applies to SQL Server 2016 RTM CU3, SQL Server ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Builds BuildFile versionKB / DescriptionRelease Date 10.50.4319 2009.100.4319.0 2967540 Cumulative update package 13 (CU13) for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 June 30, 2014 10.50.4305 2009.100.4305.0 2938478 Cumulative update package 12 (CU12) for SQL Server 2008...
Bucket param 1: SQL Server 2014@RTM@ Bucket param 2: 0x6785B09D Bucket param 3: 0xE8A0C283 Bucket param 4: 0x74E34741 Bucket param 5: 0xAC7B1A58@1233@53 Bucket param 6: RunRemoteDiscoveryAction Bucket param 7: Bucket param 8: Bucket param 9: 0xD195CE25 Bucket para...
This was resolved in SQL Server 2014 RTM and back ported to SQL Server 2012 SP2 CU1. SQL Server has a concept of Eager Writes that prevent flooding the buffer pool with pages that are newly created from bulk activities and need to be written to disk. SQL Server 2014 enhancements now ...
WhenQUERYTRACEONhint is used to enable the default Query Optimizer of SQL Server 7.0 through SQL Server 2012 (11.x) versions or Query Optimizer hotfixes, it would be an OR condition between the query hint and the database scoped configuration setting, meaning if either is enabled, the databa...
3. Our failure was for instance MSSQLSERVER hence we need to go inside MSSQLSERVER folder and then look atSummary_<MachineName>_<DateTimeStamp>.txtfile there. The information in this file would tell exact component which failed. Here are the various sections in that file and their meaning...
SQL Server In-Memory OLTP Internals for SQL Server 2016 Technical White Paper Writer: Kalen Delaney Technical Reviewers: Sunil Agarwal and Jos de Bruijn Published: June 2016 Applies to: SQL Server 2016 RTM Summary: In-memory OLTP, frequently referred to by its codename "Hekaton",...
WhenQUERYTRACEONhint is used to enable the default Query Optimizer of SQL Server 7.0 through SQL Server 2012 (11.x) versions or Query Optimizer hotfixes, it would be an OR condition between the query hint and the database scoped configuration setting, meaning if either is enabled, the databa...