And of course, as mentioned several times in the article, while regular expressions are immensely powerful, make sure you actually need that power. Some tasks can be performed faster and more simply with more basic tool sets. For simplicity, the examples I provided lack validation and error han...
For example, the .NET Framework Regex class is aware of many more characters than the Latin ones used in my examples, so care should be taken when developing patterns for databases that use international data. And of course, as mentioned several times in the article, wh...
Examples: SQL Server, Azure SQL DatabaseE. Create a unique nonclustered indexThe following example creates a unique nonclustered index on the Name column of the Production.UnitMeasure table in the AdventureWorks2022 database. The index will enforce uniqueness on the data inserted into the Name ...
Applies to: SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and later versions, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed InstanceThe following examples show how to use online resumable index rebuild.Execute an online index rebuild as resumable operation with MAXDOP = 1. Executing the same command again after an ...
Take a look at the announcement for the new regular expression functions for more information. When we use time columns in SQL Server and try to use them in PowerApps, we don’t get a time value that we can use directly – instead, we get a text (string) type, with an encoding of ...
Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database: syntaxsqlCopy match_expression[NOT]LIKEpattern [ESCAPEescape_character] Syntax for Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse: syntaxsqlCopy match_expression[NOT]LIKEpattern ESCAPEandSTRING_ESCAPEare not supported in Azure Synapse Analytics or Analy...
This paper will review the new audit features of SQL Server 2008, compare them to past versions, and walk through some implementation examples. Auditing in SQL Server 2005 In SQL Server 2005 and earlier versions, auditing was implemented using a combination of tools. At the server level, option...
If you are familiar with Microsoft SQL Server functions but are new to Oracle databases, see Character Functions to compare SQL functions support in Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases. If you are used to Microsoft Excel functions, please note that not all Excel functions are supported by ...
SWITCH [ PARTITION source_partition_number_expression ] TO [ schema_name. ] target_table [ PARTITION target_partition_number_expression ] Applies to: SQL Server (SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) and later) and Azure SQL Database. Switches a block of data in one of the following ways: Reassigns ...
or (the solution I'd probably prefer) a regular join, if you just add a "distinct" to avoid problems with duplicate values in the list. Unfortunately, the techniques to slice a string are fairly product-specific. Here is the SQL Server version: with qry(n, names) as (select len(list...