Transact-SQL syntax conventionsSyntaxSyntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database:syntaxsql העתק RAISERROR ( { msg_id | msg_str | @local_variable } { , severity, state } [ , argument [ , ...n ] ] ) [ WITH option [ , ...n ] ] Syntax for Azure Synapse Analytics ...
Syntax SQL Server、Azure SQL Database、Azure SQL 受控執行個體的語法: syntaxsql RAISERROR( {msg_id|msg_str| @local_variable} { , severity , state } [ , argument [ , ...n ] ] ) [WITHoption [ , ...n ] ] Azure Synapse Analytics 和平行處理資料倉儲的語法: ...
Generates an error message and initiates error processing for the session. RAISERROR can either reference a user-defined message stored in thesys.messagescatalog view or build a message dynamically. The message is returned as a server error message to the calling application or to an associated CA...
I am having a similar problem. We've upgraded our development server from 2008 R2 to 2012. We have not change the level of the problem database. After the upgrade we began getting syntax errors on RAISERROR calls using the syntax RAISERROR 50001,'Message'. Using SSMS we are able to cha...
例如,在 SQL Server Management Studio 中, PRINT 输出到查询结果窗口的“消息”选项卡。Transact-SQL 语法约定语法syntaxsql 复制 PRINT msg_str | @local_variable | string_expr 参数msg_str字符串或 Unicode 字符串常量。 有关详细信息,请参阅常量。
Use the SQL Server maintenance plan feature None None Transact-SQL The old style syntax for RAISERROR (Format: RAISERROR integer string) syntax is deprecated. Rewrite the statement using the current RAISERROR syntax. Old style RAISEERROR
syntaxsql -- SQL Server Syntax-- Trigger on an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement to a table or view (DML Trigger)CREATE[ORALTER]TRIGGER[schema_name. ]trigger_nameON{ table | view } [WITH<dml_trigger_option>[ ,...n ] ] {FOR|AFTER|INSTEADOF} { [INSERT] [ , ] [UPDATE] [ ,...
对于Trigger Context,所有的错误都会终止batch并从这个节点开始回滚(例外是RAISERROR和error 266)。另外如果@@trancount为0(对于Trigger Context至少为1)时也会终止。所以Trigger内错误处理的模板应该为: Code 参考内容: SQL Server BOL - Handling Database Engine Errors ...
The SQL Server RAISERROR statement requires positional argument substitution, likeprintfin the C language, but supports integer and string substitution: %d, %i, %s. This RAISERROR statement also supports the specification of a severity level (range 1 through 25). ...
我们会在 distributor 角色的 sql server 服务器上,将这台服务器设置为 distributor ,建立 distribution 数据库, 并配置一个允许使用它作为 distributor 的 publisher。 2.1.1 sp_adddistributor 第一次执行的时候,必须指定password, 这个 password 是 distributor_admin 密码。 在 publisher 连接 distributor 的时候,也...