View which wait events are affecting your system's performance and identify which queries are causing them. See Our Free Options Maximize SQL Server Performance Performance Monitoring For SQL Server 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, Azure SQL Database, Azure Managed Instances, and Amazon...
SQL Server Query Store is a performance monitoring tool that helps us evaluate the performance of a SQL query in terms of several different performance metrics such as CPU and Memory Consumption, execution time and the I/O cycles consumed by the query. Query store is similar to the windows “...
Monitoring and diagnosing SQL Server performance requires monitoring performance metric values, but also understanding these metrics and their relation to other metrics, knowing metric normal values, monitoring resource-intensive processes and queries, etc. Resource intensive processes use much ...
Query Store provides insight on query plan choice and performance for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Azure Synapse Analytics. Query Store captures history of queries, plans, and runtime statistics.
VIEW SERVER STATE and VIEW ANY DEFINITION are the only required permissions for SQLGrease to collect (VIEW DATABASE STATE for Azure SQL Database). These permissions prevent SQLGrease from having the ability to read any data. These permissions only allow access to diagnostic information. Data ...
SQL Multi Script Database Performance Monitoring SQL Server Gathering SQL Server Performance Counters for Multiple Servers SQL Multi Script can easily be persuaded to run queries at the server level rather than the database level. It is also able to combine results from many databases even if ...
查询存储功能提供有关 SQL Server、Azure SQL 数据库、Fabric SQL 数据库、Azure SQL 托管实例和 Azure Synapse Analytics 的查询计划选择和性能的见解。 查询存储可帮助你快速找到查询计划更改所造成的性能差异,从而简化性能疑难解答。 查询存储将自动捕获查询、计划和运行时统计信息的历史记录,并保留它们以供查阅。
Dynamic management views (DMVs) and functions return internal information about SQL Server instance and database state, therefore are useful for performance monitoring and troubleshooting. There are two types of dynamic management views and functions: server-scoped (require the VIEW SE...
Whether it's physical or virtualized, on-premises or in the cloud, Windows or Unix/Linux, SQL Server monitoring is an essential part of keeping your database at peak performance
適用於: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 和更新版本 Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 Azure Synapse Analytics (僅適用於專用 SQL 集區) 查詢存放區的功能可為 SQL Server、Azure SQL Database、Azure SQL 受控執行個體和 Azure Synapse Analytics 提供查詢計劃選擇和效能的見解。 查...