· Windows Performance Logs· Windows Event Logs· SQL Server Profiler Logs· SQL Server blocking information· SQL Server Configuration informationThe tool is quite simple to use, and there are a few KB articles and MSDN article to look at should you have any issue (some will be posted at ...
我们可以写段多线程的访问程序,看看是不是客户端的线程增加访问量了,SQL SERVER 服务器的 worker 数量也会相应增多。每个 worker 能吃掉多少内存?SQL Server 的内存大部分都是缓存,有数据缓存,也有执行计划缓存,也包括线程池用掉的内存,只不过占比比较小 。 3 接下来就是做语句级别的 Optimize 了。 语句先汇编...
Performance analysis of SQL server disk I / O IO 是sql server最重要的资源, 在生产环境下数据库的sqlserver服务启动后一个星期,就可以通过dmv来分析优化。MS SQL Server提供了一些动态管理视图和函数供我们分析磁盘I/O性能。 一.按照物理读的页面数排序 前50名 SELECT TOP 50 qs.total_physical_reads,qs.ex...
2)SQL Server当前实例是否是服务器上唯一一个SQL Server实例 设置Max Server Memory大小的意思是避免出现SQL Server和其他应用程序出现互相争抢内存的情形,毕竟SQL Server是那种非常喜欢内存的应用程序。比如你把Web服务器和SQL Server数据库服务器放在同一台机器上,结果SQL Server把大部分内存都吃了,导致Web服务器没有...
There is a whole lot more to performance monitor than just these counters however to follow a certain pattern, I will discuss the counters as the "analysis" progresses. The information above is to get a general view of Disks / CPU / Memory of the server. Once we filter down, I will en...
The basis of this analysis are some queries based on the SQL Server Dynamic Management Views (DMVs). For performing CPU based analysis, I have been using the following DMV based query:CPU Query-- Which Queries are taking the most time/cpu to execute SELECT TOP 20 total_worker_time, total...
在sql server中有一个profiler的工具用于追踪sql server的执行过程,可以监控sql server的的所有过程。假如我们使用SSMS来操作sql server,那么在profiler中反映的就是ssms这个图形界面所对应的命令。我们在troubleshooting的时候一般都要求客户抓取这个profiler最终的trace文件,该文件名后缀是.trc。但是我们得到的这个trace文件可...
在sql server中有一个profiler的工具用于追踪sql server的执行过程,可以监控sql server的的所有过程。假如我们使用SSMS来操作sql server,那么在profiler中反映的就是ssms这个图形界面所对应的命令。我们在troubleshooting的时候一般都要求客户抓取这个profiler最终的trace文件,该文件名后缀是.trc。但是我们得到的这个trace文件可...
Advanced Performance Analysis The USE method How Does SQL Server Work To be able to troubleshoot performance problems, you need to have an understanding of how SQL Server works. The grossly simplified explanation is that SQL Server executes your queries as follows: The application sends a request...
1. Install SQL Server 2016 with SQL Server Reporting Service 2. Configure SQL Server Report Service 3. Install SQL Server Report Viewer 2015 4. Run Performance Analyzer exe file and follow the instruction to setup SQLPA 5. Use PACMAN from the download link to download the Performance Analyzer...