database是mydb(这个是我自己创的mydb,你也可以指定其他的了).那你从图形界面上要先找到那个database,然后在它在树形结构下面会看到有users的选项.你右击选new user.你会发现在创建login并指定某个database时系统会默认创建一个名字相同的user,你右击user boy,然后查看properties.再在owned schemas中选项你想把那些...
The Database User - New dialog box also offers options on four other pages: Owned Schemas, Membership, Securables, and Extended Properties.The Owned Schemas page lists all possible schemas that can be owned by the new database user. To add schemas to or remove them from a database user...
database是mydb(这个是我自己创的mydb,你也可以指定其他的了).那你从图形界面上要先找到那个database,然后在它在树形结构下面会看到有users的选项.你右击选new user.你会发现在创建login并指定某个database时系统会默认创建一个名字相同的user,你右击user boy,然后查看properties.再在owned schemas中选项你想把那些...
This concept of separation of ‘user’ and ‘object owner’ may be a bit puzzling the first time one encounters it. Perhaps an example may better illustrate the concept: In SQL Server 2000, a schema was owned by, and was inextricably linked to, only one database principal (a principal is...
SQL Server SQL Server Database Engine Index , Registry information is corrupt or missing. Make sure the provider installed and registered correctly. [SQLSTATE 08001] .MDF file is growing daily by 1-2 GB, How to fix it 'Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.SORT temporary run storage' ...
Applies to:SQL Server In SQL Server, a member of thesysadminserver role can usesp_procoptionto set or clear a procedure for automatic execution at startup. Startup procedures must be in themasterdatabase, must be owned bysa, and can't have input or output parameters. For more information...
SQL Server Community FAQs Manual SQL Server TechNet Forum Support Team Summary: The SQL Server Forum Support Team authored, collected and consolidated commonly asked questions in SQL Server MSDN and TechNet forums into this book so as to provide an offline reading and learning experience for IT ...
Beginning with SQL Server 2005 (9.x), a user can own an OBJECT or TYPE that is contained by a schema owned by another database user. This is a change of behavior from earlier versions of SQL Server. For more information, see OBJECTPROPERTY (Transact-SQL) and TYPEPROPERTY (Transact-SQL...
To maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of SQL Server, sp_addapprole does the following checks:If a schema with the same name as the application role doesn't already exist, the schema is created. The new schema is owned by the application role, and it's the default schema ...