在SQL Server 2000 服务器上运行svrnetcn.exe调出服务器网络实用工具(英文名是SQL Server Network Utility),或者在"开始"菜单中,指向"程序",接着指向"Microsoft SQL Server",然后单击"服务器网络实用工具"。如果"启用的协议(Enabled Protocals)"框内没有命名管道则从左边选中命名管道并点击启用(Enabled)按钮加入(参...
SQL Server Client Network Utility is a graphical tool that allows you to:Create network protocol connections to specified servers, and change the default network protocol. Display information about the network libraries currently installed on the system. Display the DB-Library version currently installed...
SQL Server Client Network Utility 提供了两个不互斥的选项,用于选择 DB-Library 如何转换信息:自动将 ANSI 转换到 OEM,使用国际设置。默认情况下会选择这两个选项。由于您无法在其他代码页上处理数据,因此只有在处理 SQL Server 数据子集的旧版系统中时,才能在数据层中使用 DB-Library。此技术仅为实现向后兼容而...
(3)服务管理器(SQL Server Service Manager):启动、停止和暂停SQL Server服务的图形实用程序。 (4)SQL Server Setup:用于安装、删除和重新配置SQL Server的应用程序。 (5)SQL Server 向导:指导用户完成复杂任务的工具集合。 (6)客户端网络实用工具(SQL Server Client Network Utility):配置客户端的连接,测定网络库...
d. SQL Server Agent的启动帐号不能是缺省的build-in的域帐号,譬如:Network Service;2. 打开SQL Server Management Studio, 在View菜单中选择Utility Explorer;3. 在Utility Explorer上点击:来启动创建UCP向导;4. 点击下一步来指定在哪个数据库实例上来创建UCP,你可以在本地数据库实例上创建,也可以创建在一个远程...
"How to Enable SSL Encryption for SQL Server 2000 with Certificate Server," athttps://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=276553 You can choose to configure SQL Server to force all clients to use SSL by running the SQL Server Network Utility (Svrnetcn.exe**)** tool and checking theFo...
Network configuration for SQL Server is done using SQL Server Configuration Manager. For earlier versions of SQL Server, use the Server Network Utility that ships with those products.ProtocolsUse SQL Server Configuration Manager to enable or disable the protocols used by SQL Server, and to configure...
Applies To: SQL Server 2016To see data in the SQL Server Utility dashboard, select the top node in the Utility Explorer tree - labeled "Utility<UCP_Name>\(ComputerName\UCP)." The dashboard includes summary and detail data from all managed instances of SQL Server and all data-tier ...
SQL Server 2000连接中的四个最常见错误: 一."SQL Server 不存在或访问被拒绝" 这个是最复杂的,错误发生的原因比较多,需要检查的方面也比较多. 一般说来,有以下几种可能性: 1,SQL Server名称或IP地址拼写有误 2,服务器端网络配置有误 3,客户端网络配置有误 ...
This section describes the requirements that must be met before using the BCP command with Microsoft SQL Server: The BCP utility as well as the Microsoft SQL Server Client Network Utility must be installed on the machine running the Oracle Data Integrator Agent. The server names defined in the ...