本節包含SQL Server PowerShell Cmdlet 的說明主題。 SQLServer 展開表格 Add-RoleMember Adds a member to a specific Role of a specific database. Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase Adds primary databases to an availability group or joins secondary databases to an availability group. Add-SqlAvailabilityGroup...
Learn how to install the SqlServer PowerShell module, which provides cmdlets for SQL features and updated versions of the SQLPS module.
PowerShell 应显示类似于以下输出的信息: ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands --- --- --- --- Script 21.1.18102 SqlServer {Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase, Add-SqlAvailabilityGroupList... 连接到 SQL Server 并获取服务器信息 使用Windows 上的 PowerShell 连接到 Linux...
Learn how to install the SqlServer PowerShell module, which provides cmdlets that support the latest SQL features, and also contains updated versions of the cmdlets in the SQLPS module.
PowerShell modules for SQL Server There are two SQL Server PowerShell modules: SqlServer: The SqlServer module includes new cmdlets to support the latest SQL features. The module also contains updated versions of the cmdlets in SQLPS. To download the SqlServer module, go to SqlServer module in ...
There are two SQL Server PowerShell modules; SqlServer and SQLPS. The SqlServer module is the current PowerShell module to use. The SQLPS module is included with the SQL Server installation (for backward compatibility) but is no longer updated. The SqlServer module contains updated versions of ...
PowerShell 複製 Import-Module SQLServer Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance localhost -StatisticsVariable stats ` -Query 'CREATE TABLE #Table (ID int); INSERT INTO #Table VALUES(1), (2); INSERT INTO #Table VALUES(3); SELECT * FROM #Table' Write-Host "Number of rows affected...: $($stats....
PowerShell modules for SQL Server There are two SQL Server PowerShell modules: SqlServer: The SqlServer module includes new cmdlets to support the latest SQL features. The module also contains updated versions of the cmdlets in SQLPS. To download the SqlServer module, go to SqlServer module in ...
答: 在powershell下输入 Import-Module 'sqlps' 其中最主要的命令就是invoke-sqlcmd,如: Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT @@VERSION;" Invoke-Sqlcmd -InputFile C:\temp\SQLFiles.sql -ServerInstance deathstar -Database master -Verbose | out-file C:\temp\output.txt ...
T-SQL 命令BACKUPDATABASE已经使用了相当长的一段时间(在这之前用的是DUMP DATABASE命令,老人们都记得). 它仍然不失为备份数据库好方式.我们现在有一个新的方法来自动的做这些日常的备份处理任务.在本文中我会通过实例来介绍如何通过PowerShell脚本来备份.并告诉大家在SQL Server 2012 使用PowerShell Cmdlet的便利...