于是Copy了此表到testdb库下后,在SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL可以识别到,为了做其他试验,先迁移表 5.连接MSSQL2008 6. 现在2个数据库都连接上了 7.在MySQL explorer中,执行Convert Schema,执行完之后,才有SQL Server Metadata Explorer中的组织: 按理讲,SQL中不需要事先建立testdb(此处如没事先...
SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for MySQL将mysql数据库迁移到sql server
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for MySQL is a tool for migrating MySQL databases to SQL Server 2012 (11.x) through SQL Server 2022 (16.x) on Windows and Linux, or Azure SQL Database. SSMA for MySQL converts MySQL database objects to SQL Server or Azure SQL objects, l...
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for MySQL is a tool to automate migration from MySQL database(s) to SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. Important! Selecting a language below will dynamically change the complete page content to that language. ...
1. 解释SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL是什么 SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL (SSMA for MySQL) 是一个工具,用于将 MySQL 数据库迁移到 Microsoft SQL Server。该工具能够评估 MySQL 数据库的迁移可行性,将 MySQL 数据库对象转换为 SQL Server 对象,将数据从 MySQL 迁移到 SQL Server,并测试...
Microsoft SQL Server 迁移助手(SSMA)是一种工具,旨在从 Microsoft Access、Db2、MySQL、Oracle 和 SAP ASE 自动将数据库迁移到 SQL Server、Azure SQL 数据库、Azure SQL 托管实例 和 Azure Synapse Analytics。 迁移源 支持的源和目标版本 有关受支持的源,请查看“下载中心”中的信息进行 SSMA 下载。
You can learn more about SQL Server here. If you want to take that next step and migrate some of your MySQL databases over to SQL Server, we’ve got a great tool for you! The SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL v1.0 just shipped yesterday. This handy tool makes it easy to ...
Microsoft announced today the release of first version of SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for MySQL! Along with this release, Microsoft refreshed the existing SSMA family of products for Oracle, Sybase and Access with the latest v4.2 release....
Confirmation: Download Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for MySQL from Official Microsoft Download Center Internet Explorer was retired on June 15, 2022 IE 11 is no longer accessible. You can reload Internet Explorer sites with IE mode in Microsoft Edge. Get started with Microsoft Edge Thank...
最新SSMA for Access 微软专业数据迁移工具,可将Access数据库中数据方便迁移到SQL server数据库中,比DTS、SSIS更方便、更专业 上传者:puzzy时间:2013-01-02 SSMA for MySQL 微软公司开发的专业数据迁移工具,可以将Mysql数据库表结构与数据方便迁移到sql server数据库可中,极大方便了Mysql数据库向sql server数据库迁移...