UDX拡張操作 (UDX) は、SQL Server の数ある操作のうちの XQuery 操作と XPath 操作の一つを実装します。 - 拡張操作 (UDX)FOR XMLは、単一出力行の単一 BLOB 列に XML 表記で入力するリレーショナル行セットをシリアル化するのに使用します。 この操作は、順序を区別する XML 集計...
Linq to Sql does not support definition of “many to many” relationships. This means that there is no specific relation attribute that allows defining such a complex relation. So you have to create as many entities as you physical model does and define your intermediate table ...
detail. This is a severe, system-level error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. It is recommended to complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books ...
每个SQL Server 数据库都有事务日志,用于记录所有事务以及每个事务所做的数据库修改。 事务日志是数据库的关键组件,如果系统出现故障,则可能需要使用事务日志将数据库恢复到一致状态。 本指南提供有关事务日志的物理和逻辑体系结构的信息。 了解该体系结构可以提高你在管理事务日志时的效率。
Temp”. When choosing a location for the cache, you should pick one that will be least disruptive to the target SQL Server instance when lots of writes are being performed. You also need to make sure that the SQL Server Agent account has privileges to the location. You also need to ...
打开SQL Server 配置管理器,启用tcp/ip,重启 sql server 服务,这样可以用一些工具远程连接,SqlServer服务使用两个端口:TCP-1433、UDP-1434。 开启iis服务和asp .net 访问本地ip,如下表明iis .net 环境安装成功 默认的Web路径为C:\inetpub\wwwroot 下载Sql Server 注入的源代码,这里也可以自己写。
“Unable to enlist in the transaction” with Oracle linked server from MS SQL Server [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] in non clustered index [Execute SQL Task] Error: The value type (__ComObject) can only be converted to variables of type Object. [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source nam...
WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbid [Send Mail Task] Error: Either the file "///ServerName//Transfer//Reporting//Completed" does not exist or you do not have permissions to access ...
Introduction to Spatial Coordinate Systems: Flat Maps for a Round Planet Migrating DTS Packages to Integration Services Migrating to SQL Server from Other Database Products Partitioned Table and Index Strategies Using SQL Server 2008 Plan Caching in SQL Server 2008 ...