然后在程序里找到SQL Server2014 Management Studio,如下图 打开SQL Server2014 Management Studio,界面如下,用SQL Server身份验证,登录名为sa,密码是刚安装sqlserver的时候设置的密码: 链接成功后如下图:
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express 是功能丰富的免费 SQL Server 版本,是学习、开发和增强桌面、Web &小规模服务器应用程序的理想之选,同时也适合于通过 ISV 进行重新分发。SQL Server 2014 Express 版本包括完整的 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio 版本。有关 SQL Server Management Studio 中支持功能的完整列表,...
第一步:下载 SQL Server 2014 的安装包 访问[Microsoft 官方网站]( 下载 SQL Server 2014 Management Studio 的安装包。在下载页面上,你有几个版本可以选择,确保选择适合你操作系统的版本。 # 下载链接方式 1. 打开访问链接。 2. 选择合适的下载版本。 1. 2. 3. 第二步:启动安装程序 下载完成后,双击安装包...
SQL Server 2012 Extended Support ended July 12, 2022. Learn what this means for you. Learn more SQL Server tools and connectors Tools Download Azure Data Studio Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Download SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Download Data Migration Assistant Download...
For details and download information for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview 1, see Install SQL Server Management Studio 21 PreviewDownload SSMSDownload SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 20 ...
SQL Server Azure SQL 数据库 Azure SQL 托管实例 Azure Synapse Analytics Microsoft Fabric 中的 SQL 分析终结点 Microsoft Fabric 中的仓库 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 是一种集成环境,用于管理从 SQL Server 到 Azure SQL 数据库的任何 SQL 基础结构。 SSMS 提供用于配置、监视和管理 SQL Server 和...
For details and download information for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview 1, see Install SQL Server Management Studio 21 PreviewDownload SSMSDownload SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 20 ...
For details and download information for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview 1, see Install SQL Server Management Studio 21 PreviewDownload SSMSDownload SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 20 ...
For details and download information for SQL Server Management Studio 21 Preview 1, see Install SQL Server Management Studio 21 PreviewDownload SSMSDownload SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 20.2SSMS 20.2 is the latest generally available (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 20 ...
Download the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for managing and configuring instances of SQL Server and Azure SQL.