一般来说,SQL Server 7.0使用的是70级别,SQL Server 2000使用的是80级别,SQL Server 2005使用的是90级别,SQL Server 2008使用的是100级别。数据库级别可以用存储过程sp_dbcmptlevel来修改。当兼容级别为100时,数据库的命名规则为: ◆ 名称长度不能超过128个字符,本地临时表的名称不能超过116个字符。 ◆ 名称的第...
Microsoft SQL Server 将保留关键字用于定义、操作和访问数据库。 保留关键字是 SQL Server 使用的 Transact-SQL 语言语法的一部分,用于分析和理解 Transact-SQL 语句和批处理。 尽管在 Transact-SQL 脚本中使用 SQL Server 保留关键字作为标识符和对象名在语法上是可行的,但规定只能使用分隔标识符。
The string comparison in the SQL Server database is case insensitive whereas it is case sensitive in C#. Let us illustrate this with an example. Consider a user, Domain\user1. The user signs in to the Data Quality Client computer using the "user1" account, and works on a knowledge base...
指定SQL Server 中 COLLATE 子句中的 Windows 排序规则名称。 Windows 排序规则名称是由排序规则指示符和比较样式构成的。Transact-SQL 语法约定语法syntaxsql 复制 <Windows_collation_name> ::= <CollationDesignator>_<ComparisonStyle> <ComparisonStyle> ::= { <CaseSensitivity>_<AccentSensitivity> [ _<Kana...
Case-insensitive server A and case-sensitive server B: The sort order of server A might be case-insensitive, and the sort order of server B might be case-sensitive. In this case, users must type the passwords in all uppercase letters after you transfer the logins and the passwor...
Case, stopwords, language, and thesaurus When you write full-text queries, you can also specify the following options: Case sensitivity. Full-text search queries are case-insensitive. However, in Japanese, there are multiple phonetic orthographies in which the concept of orthographic normalization ...
· Between case-sensitive and case-insensitive behavior. This setting does not affect Arabic characters. · Between accent-sensitive or accent-insensitive behavior. In addition, there are some linguistic sorting rules. NoteIn SQL Server 2005 sorting, there is no need to separately specify the code...
In SQL Server, object names can be case-sensitive, depending on the character sort order that is installed. The sort order is chosen in SQL Server Setup during installation. The default sort order in SQL Server is dictionary order, case-insensitive....
Hint names are case-insensitive. The following hint names are supported: Expand table 1TheQUERY_OPTIMIZER_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL_nhint doesn't override default or legacy cardinality estimation setting, if you force it through database s...
utf8_genera_ci不区分大小写,ci为case insensitive的缩写,即大小写不敏感。 utf8_general_cs区分大小写,cs为case sensitive的缩写,即大小写敏感。利用Transact-SQL 语言查看数据库及表的信息1.查看连接中的所有数据库 步骤:点击“新建查询”,输入SHOW DATABASES 2.查看数据库 mysql 中所有的表 步骤:点击“新建查询...