OrderQtyORDERBYProductID, OrderQtyOPTION(MAXDOP2);GOG. UsingINDEXThe following examplesusetheINDEXhint. The first example specifies asingleindex. The second example specifies multiple indexesforasingletablereference.Inboth examples, because theINDEXhint...
Finally, this example shows querying directly from the indexed view. Automatic use of an indexed view by the query optimizer is supported only in specific editions of SQL Server. On SQL Server Standard edition, you must use the NOEXPAND query hint to query the indexed view directly. Azure SQL...
For an example that uses this hint in an INSERT ... SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK...) statement, see Keep nulls or default values during bulk import (SQL Server). FORCESEEK [ ( <index_value> ( <index_column_name> [ , ...n ] ) ) ] Specifies that the query optimizer uses only ...
Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)). Prevents the query from using a nonclustered memory optimized columnstore index. If the query contains the query hint to avoid the use of the columnstore index, and an index hint to use a columnstore index, the hints are in...
Applies to: SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2012 (11.x)).Prevents the query from using a nonclustered memory optimized columnstore index. If the query contains the query hint to avoid the use of the columnstore index, and an index hint to use a columnstore index, the hin...
Otherwise a syntax error is created when executing the statement on SQL Server.One also can combine these table hints like in this example:%_HINTS MSSQLNT 'TABLE &TABLE& INDEX([VBAK~0]), FORCESEEK' But don’t forget the comma separation. If the comma is missed, just the first hint ...
Example queries in this section show how you can monitor resource governor runtime statistics and behavior. Resource governor statistics are cumulative since the last server restart. If you need to collect statistics starting from a certain time, you can reset statistics using the ALTER RESOURCE GOVE...
SQL Server 2005 和自增长主键identity说再见——NEWSEQUENTIALID()(转载) 在SQL Server 2005环境下,表的主键应该怎样设计.目前主要用到的主键方案共三种: 自动增长主键 手动增长主键 UNIQUEIDENTIFIER主键 1、先说自动增长主键,它的
For example, a transaction executes a query with the PAGLOCK hint and then executes an update operation. The query with the PAGLOCK hint acquires the S lock, and the update operation acquires the IU lock. Update intent exclusive (UIX) A combination of U and IX locks, as a result of ...
Applies to: SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) and later. Is either the OPENQUERY or OPENROWSET function. Use of these functions is subject to the capabilities of the OLE DB provider that accesses the remote object. WITH ( [... n ] ) Specifies one or more table hints that are allowed for ...