This topic explains how to restore a differential database backup. To restore a differential database backup Execute the RESTORE DATABASE statement, specifying the NORECOVERY clause, to restore the full database backup that comes before the differential database backup. For more information, see How...
How to: Back Up a Transaction Log (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Back Up to Tape or Disk (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Create a Differential Database Backup (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Define a Logical Backup Device for a Tape Drive (SQL Server Management Stu...
使用备份实用工具提供的验证选项(BACKUP T-SQL 命令、SQL Server 维护计划、备份软件或解决方案等)。 有关示例,请参阅 [RESTORE VERIFYONLY] (../t-sql/statements/ 使用 BACKUP CHECKSUM 等高级功能来检测备份媒体本身的问题。 有关详情,请参阅在备份和还原期间可能...
SQL Server Management Studio Transact-SQL 相关任务 开始之前 限制和局限 不允许在显式或隐式事务中使用 RESTORE。 无法在早期版本的 SQL Server 中还原较新版本的 SQL Server创建的备份。 在SQL Server 中,可以从使用 SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 或更高版本创建的数据库备份来还原用户数据库。
有关详细信息,请参阅《Tail-Log Backups (SQL Server)》(结尾日志备份 (SQL Server))。 还原最新完整数据库备份而不恢复数据库 (RESTORE DATABASEdatabase_nameFROMbackup_deviceWITH NORECOVERY)。 如果存在差异备份,则还原最新的差异备份而不恢复数据库 (RESTORE DATABASEdatabase_na...
This article describes how to restore a differential database backup in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.
此备份和还原主题与所有 SQL Server 数据库相关。 差异备份基于最新的、以前的完整数据备份。 差异备份仅捕获自该次完整备份后发生更改的数据。 差异备份所基于的完整备份称为差异的“基准”。 完整备份(仅复制备份除外)可以用作一系列差异备份的基准,包括数据库备份、部分备份和文件备份。 文件差异备份的基准备份可以...
For more information, see How to: Restore a Full Backup. Execute the RESTORE DATABASE statement to restore the differential database backup, specifying: The name of the database to which the differential database backup is applied. The backup device where the differential database backup is ...
For more information, see How to: Restore a Full Backup. Execute the RESTORE DATABASE statement to restore the differential database backup, specifying: The name of the database to which the differential database backup is applied. The backup device where the differential database backup is ...
一般的做法是 full back -> log backup (通常需要 2 次, 才可以 shrink, 不知道原因) 然后 shrink log file. refer :