altertable[TableName]addconstraint[PK_PrimaryKey]primarykeyclustered(Id); Edit Column Type ALTERTABLE[Product]ALTERCOLUMN[Name]nvarchar(max); Rename rename table 和 column 是很恐怖的操作. 因为 index, foreign key 都会用 table name 和 column name 命名. 所以它需要批量换 EXECsp_rename'Product','Pr...
column指示列索引的 int 。返回值一个包含列的服务器名称的字符串。例外SQLServerException备注此getColumnTypeName 方法是由 java.sql.ResultSetMetaData 接口中的 getColumnTypeName 方法指定的。Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0 在 TYPE_NAME 列中的行为发生了更改。 有关详细信息,请参阅 SQLServerDatab...
DDL (Date Definition Language,数据定义语言);用来建立数据库、数据库对象和定义器列表,大部分 是CREATE 开头的命令,如CREATE TABLE,CREATE VIEW ,以及DROP TABLE等。 DQL(Data Query Language,数据查询语句);用来对数据库中数据进行查询。 DCL (Data Control Langure,数据控制语言);用来控制数据库组件的存取许可,...
If only a few rows with specific key values are required, the database server can use an index. If all the rows in the table are required, the database server can ignore the indexes and perform a table scan. If all the rows in a table are required but there is an index whose key...
Avoid blanks spaces, hyphens, and other special characters in your table and column names too. #2. Prefix the Database Name to Indicate the Environment You might have a local development environment, a test and QA environment, a demo environment, a training environment, and a live/production ...
I have a number of tables in the database and i have a column value as "abc" coming from one of the tables in the database,Now i need to find the table name from where this column value is coming? you can check the below process, this process is bit lenghty but this will give ...
排序规则还确定数据的排序和比较规则。 SQL Server 支持在单个数据库中存储具有不同排序规则的对象。 对于非 Unicode 列,排序规则设置指定数据的代码页以及可以表示哪些字符。 必须将在非 Unicode 列间移动的数据从源代码页转换到目标代码页。当Transact-SQL 语句在具有不同排序规则设置的不同数据库上下文中运行时,其...
table_type_definition The same subset of information that is used to define a table in CREATE TABLE. The table declaration includes column definitions, names, data types, and constraints. The only constraint types allowed are PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE KEY, and NULL. ...
ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name NEW_DATATYPE (7) 修改表字段名称 ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE old_column_name new_column_name DATATYPE (8) 删除表字段 ALTER TABLE table_name DROP old_column (9) 插入数据 INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2); ...