24cf3bf HUE-1833 [spark] Gracefully fail when the server is not up 645b872 HUE-1825 [beeswax] Re-add filebrowser to file resources 1c50cab HUE-1823 [beeswax] Re-integrate resource lists in the editor 0e1a003 [beeswax] Fix explain query test API and test_explain_query_i18n test a7e47...
SQL Server Developer Exams & Certification Besant Technologies Certification is Accredited by all major Global Companies around the world. We provide after completion of the theoretical and practical sessions to fresher’s as well as corporate trainees. ...
Storage:SAN, SMB, NFS, iSCSI, EBS – if it’s AWS, Virtual Volumes – If it’s VMware etc. Software & Tools: Make a note on third party tools you used in your environment ex: LITESPEED, REDGATE etc. Also make a note on how licensing happening for SQL Server in your environment M...
The SQL certification course training makes the student proficient in basic to advanced SQL concepts like users, schemas, subqueries, group operations, conditional processing, SQL functions, data manipulation languages, Pseudo Columns & functions, joining tables, using set operators, client/server relation...
Fresher Plsql I have been checking for a Plsql and when I found one. I found the best with regards to the depth of Plsql learning I was looking for.. It grooms the absolute Plsql training on professional guidelines and Plsql training with projects to finish by the time to scale as ...