osql [-?] | [-L] | [ { {-Ulogin_id [-Ppassword]} | -E } [-Sserver_name[\instance_name]] [-Hwksta_name] [-ddb_name] [-ltime_out] [-ttime_out] [-hheaders] [-scol_separator] [-wcolumn_width] [-apacket_size] [-e] [-I] [-D data_source_name] [-ccmd_end] [-...
Character expressions that are being converted to an exactnumericdata type must consist of digits, a decimal point, and an optional plus (+) or minus (-). Leading blanks are ignored. Comma separators, such as the thousands separator in123,456.00, aren't allowed in the string. ...
STRING_AGG( expression, separator ) [<order_clause>]<order_clause>::=WITHINGROUP(ORDERBY<order_by_expression_list>[ASC|DESC] ) 参数 expression 是任何类型的表达式。 串联期间,表达式被转换为NVARCHAR或VARCHAR类型。 非字符串类型被转换为NVARCHAR类型。
Fixed an issue in SSDT AS tabular 1200-level models where pasting data from Excel with locale settings like German didn't treat the comma as the decimal separator correctly. Fixed an issue in SSDT AS projects with some KPI icon sets, which could yield an error "Couldn't retrieve the da...
Attempts to infer strings as DecimalType instead of float or double type when possible. You must also use schema inference, either by enablinginferSchema or using cloudFiles.inferColumnTypes with Auto Loader.Default value: false primitivesAsStringType: BooleanWhether to infer primitive types like...
在Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Master Data Services (MDS)中有一个包含小数数据的实体。 将浏览器的语言设置为使用逗号作为小数分隔符的语言。 通过使用浏览器浏览到 MDS 中某个实体的第一个或第二个成员。 例如,第一个或第二个成员包含以逗号分隔的小数分隔符。 在这种情况下,在浏览实体的第...
sink.properties.format NO CSV String 导入StarRocks 的数据格式,可选值 CSV 和JSON,默认为 CSV sink.properties.column_separator NO \t String 用于指定 CSV 格式的列分隔符,参考 CSV 适用参数 sink.properties.row_delimiter NO \n String 用于指定 CSV 格式的行分隔符,参考 CSV 适用参数 sink.proper...
Fixed an issue in SSDT AS tabular 1200-level models where pasting data from Excel with locale settings like German didn't treat the comma as the decimal separator correctly. Fixed an issue in SSDT AS projects with some KPI icon sets, which could yield an error "Couldn't retrieve the data...
Decimal places: 2 Negative numbers: ($12345.00) Symbol: $ English (United States) Select Use 1000 separator (,). If the sample text displays $12,345.00, then your settings are correct. Select OK. Preview the report to see the change to the [LineTotal] expression column and then go back...
KB2819382 - FIX: Incorrect decimal separator is used when you browse data in MDS in SQL Server 2012 Applies ToSQL Server 2012 Analysis Services Symptoms Consider the following scenario: You have an entity that contains decimal data in ...