备份事务日志 (SQL Server) SqlBackup (SMO) 重要 如果数据库已损坏,请参阅结尾日志备份 (SQL Server)。ACTIVE_TRANSACTION log_reuse_wait对ACTIVE_TRANSACTION 问题原因进行故障排除的步骤包括发现长时间运行的事务并着手解决(在某些情况下使用 KILL 命令来实现)。
重要 如果資料庫已損毀,請參閱結尾記錄備份 (SQL Server)。ACTIVE_TRANSACTION log_reuse_wait針對ACTIVE_TRANSACTION 原因進行疑難排解的步驟包括探索長時間執行的交易,並加以解析 (在某些情況下使用 KILL 命令進行)。探索長時間執行的交易非常長時間執行的交易可能會造成交易記錄被填滿。 若要尋找長時間執...
DECLARE@LongTxThresholdint=900;/* The number of seconds to use as a duration threshold for long-running transactions */DECLARE@LongTransactionLogBytesbigint=1073741824;/* The number of bytes to use as the generated log threshold for long-running transactions */SELECTdbtr.database...
This trace flag is only required to be enabled on SQL Server instances with transaction log file residing on disk with sector size of 512 bytes. It's not required to be enabled on disk with 4-KB sector sizes. For more information, see KB3009974.Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) ...
Review recovery models and determine if you need to change it. https://learn.microsoft.com/sql/relational-databases/backup-restore/recovery-models-sql-server'asRecoveryModelChoiceselect'To truncate the log consider performing a transaction log backup on database '''+ @dbname+''...
For more information, see Transaction Statements (Transact-SQL), Transactions in ODBC and Transactions in SQL Server Native Client (OLEDB). By default, transactions are managed at the connection level. When a transaction is started on a connection, all Transact-SQL statements executed on that ...
一.常见简便的方式 通常,DBA使用sp_who和sp_who2系统存储过程或活动监视器来查看SQL实例中的当前会话、用户和进程。 我们还可以从这些过程中确定阻塞会话和活动会话。 1.1. Sp_who 如下: 1.2 Sp_who2 如下: 1.3 通过SQL Server活动监视器(SQL Se
memory OLTP engine collects garbage rows aggressively. However, a long running transaction can prevent garbage collection. For example, if you have a transaction that runs for 5 minutes, any row versions created due to update/delete operations while the transaction was active can't be ...
· 错误:1053 SQLSTATE: 08S01 (ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN) 消息:在操作过程中服务器关闭。 · 错误:1054 SQLSTATE: 42S22 (ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR) 消息:'%s'中的未知列'%s'。 · 错误:1055 SQLSTATE: 42000 (ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP) 消息:'%s'不在GROUP BY中。 · 错误:1056 SQLSTATE: 42000...
This trace flag is only required to be enabled on SQL Server instances with transaction log file residing on disk with sector size of 512 bytes. It's not required to be enabled on disk with 4-KB sector sizes. For more information, see KB3009974.Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) ...