(hypervarchar(10)COLLATEChinese_PRC_CI_AS);--保持列的排序规则一致即可正常使用临时表#collation_tempSELECT*FROMcollation_wang wLEFTJOIN#collation_temp cONw.hyper=c.hyper--- 同时instances的排序规则设置会影响SQL Server数据的导入导出功能。 通常我们遇到的另一个问题是:通过SSMS(即SQL Server Management St...
排序规则(collation)冲突 我们知道,SQL Server 从2000 开始,便支持多个排序规则。SQL Server 2000 的数据库可使用除默认排序规则以外的其他排序规则。此外,SQL Server 2000 还支持为列专门制定排序规则。 这样一来,我们在写跨表、跨数据库、跨服务器操作的T-SQL时,如果equal的字段排序规则不同,便会发生排序规则冲突。
In SQL Server 2005, you can set collations at the following levels: - Server Level o You set the collation of the server at the time of setup. o The only way to change that is to re-install SQL Server with the right collation. o To find out the existing collation of your...
在SQL Server中,Collation由两部分组成,比如中国的一个collation是 Chinese_PRC_CI_AI_WS ,前半部份是指的是所支持的字符集,与code page相对应,如Chinese_PRC 对应的代码页是936,在这个code page中定义了所有能够使用的字符。后半部CI_AI_WS用于表示排序规则,比如: _CI(CS)表示是否区分字母大小写,CI不区分,C...
SQL Server Column Collation和Database collation不一致 数据库collation,一、数据库介绍概念:数据库(DataBase简称DB)就是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库。特性:(1)原子性(Atomicity):原子性是指事务是一个不可分割的工作单位,事务中的操作要么全部成功
你好,请运行以下代码 SELECT c.object_id, t.name, c.name, c.collation_nameFROM ...
SELECT c.object_id,t.name,c.name,c.collation_name FROM sys.columns c INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id 运行上面的sql,可以获得你要的结果
When you select a collation for your server, database, column, or expression, you're assigning certain characteristics to your data. These characteristics affect the results of many operations in the database. For example, when you construct a query by using ORDER BY, the sort order of your...
When you select a collation for your server, database, column, or expression, you're assigning certain characteristics to your data. These characteristics affect the results of many operations in the database. For example, when you construct a query by using ORDER BY, the sort order of your...
For more information, see Selecting a SQL Server Collation. Synchronize with the Windows system locale of another computer. In Control Panel, find the locale name under Regional Options (Windows 2000, or Windows Server 2003), or Regional and Language Options (Windows XP), and then use the tabl...