Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11. Logon Login failed for user 'CONTOSO\JohnDoe'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: ] 某些错误属于...
当遇到 SQL Server 用户登录失败并显示错误 18456 时,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认SQL Server 服务是否正在运行: 在Windows 服务管理器中检查 SQL Server 服务(如 SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER))的状态,确保其正在运行。 检查用户登录名和密码是否正确: 确认输入的用户名和密码没有拼写错误。 如果是 SQL ...
(provider:共享内存提供程序,error:0-管道的另一端上无任何进程。)(MicrosoftSQLServer,错误:233) 解决方法:打开‘程序’-‘所有程序’-‘MicrosoftSQLServer2005 ’-‘配置工具’-‘SQLServer配置管理器’,在弹出的窗体中,找到‘SQLServer2005 网络配置’,把‘MSSQLSERVER的协议’下的“Named Pipes”和“TCP/IP”...
确保替换your_database_name为你需要访问的数据库名。 步骤5: 查看 SQL Server 错误日志 当用户登录失败时,SQL Server 会记录相关错误信息。可以通过以下 SQL 语句查看错误日志: -- 查看错误日志EXECxp_readerrorlog; 1. 2. 这将输出错误日志,你可以在其中查找与 18456 错误相关的信息。 流程图 以下是你可以使...
"Server Name: <computer_name>" "Error Number: 18456" "Severity: 14" "State: 1" "Line Number: 65536" The following message might also be returned: "Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Server <computer_name>, Line 1" "Login failed for user '<user_name>'." ...
因密码或用户名错误而使身份验证失败并导致连接尝试被拒时,类似下面的消息将返回到客户端:“用户 '<user_name>' 登录失败”。(Microsoft SQL Server,错误: 18456)”。 返回到客户端的其他信息有: “用户 '<user_name>' 登录失败。(.Net SqlClient 数据访问接口)” ...
Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11. Logon Login failed for user 'CONTOSO\JohnDoe'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: ] Some of the errors belong to the Anonymous Logon account. This is related t...
links 解决方案:https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/troubleshooting-microsoft-sql-server-error-18456-login-failed-user/ 检查是否开启了 sql Authentication Mode 检查user是否enable 检查这个user的role mapping和permission 这个就不截图了.
SQL Server,错误:233)解决方法:打开‘程序’-‘所有程序’-‘Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ’-‘配置工具’-‘SQL Server 配置管理器’,在弹出的窗体中,找到‘SQL Server 2005 网络配置’,把‘MSSQLSERVER的协议’下的“Named Pipes”和“TCP/IP”启动,然后重新启动Microsoft SQL Server 2005就可以了。
So you had some problems with your installation of the SQL Server 2005 installation on your machine and now that you have un-installed and installed it, you can't seem to log on to your own machine using basic windows authentication. You can log into other servers but you just can't...