#240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428476868 CRC32 0x78030015 Query thread_id=26 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1717739721/*!*/; BEGIN /*!*/; # at 428476868 # at 428476934 #240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428477005 CRC32 0xf2c276a8 Table_map: `...
#240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428476868 CRC32 0x78030015 Query thread_id=26 exec_time=0 error_code=0 SET TIMESTAMP=1717739721/*!*/; BEGIN /*!*/; # at 428476868 # at 428476934 #240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428477005 CRC32 0xf2c276a8 Table_map: `...
复制 $ vim/tmp/binlog.sql# at 428476791#240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428476868 CRC32 0x78030015 Query thread_id=26 exec_time=0 error_code=0SETTIMESTAMP=1717739721/*!*/;BEGIN/*!*/;# at 428476868# at 428476934#240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428477005 ...
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.40607 1. 或将其添加到系统环境变量 PATH 中。请注意,您需要根据计算机上安装的 .NET Framework 的版本来修改“v2.0.40607”。将替换为指向 SQL Server 2005 安装的二进制文件的正确路径,例如 复制 "C:\Program Files\MicrosoftSQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\" ...
1在.net framework 2.0的安装目录下(默认是WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.40607),启动一个叫aspnet_regsql.exe的命令行工具,比如: aspnet_regsql -S localhost –U sa –P 123456 -d Pubs –ed 上面的意思是,指定了本地的数据库服务器localhost,并指定了登陆的用户名和密码,并用参数-d指定了要采用哪...
As others have said, you can't use Windows Authentication to connect to an Azure SQL Server, ...
打开binlog.sql文件,查找并确认包含误删操作的 SQL 语句。 $vim/tmp/binlog.sql# at 428476791#240607 13:55:21 server id 103306 end_log_pos 428476868 CRC32 0x78030015 Query thread_id=26 exec_time=0 error_code=0SETTIMESTAMP=1717739721/*!*/;BEGIN /*!