下列ERRORLOG 項目顯示復原期間發生 Msg824錯誤的範例,但允許復原完成延遲的交易。 請注意,在此情況下沒有錯誤 3414,以及資料庫已完成復原的訊息: 2010-03-31 2010-03-31 19:17:18.45 spid7s SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: incorrect checksum (expected: 0xb2c87a0a; actual: ...
SQL Server Product Version 10.0 Product Build Number 10.00.0000.00 Event ID 3414 Event Source MSSQLSERVER Component SQLEngine Symbolic Name REC_GIVEUP Message Text An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database '%.*ls' (database ID %d) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors an...
このエラー 3414 の発生の原因については、Windows イベント ログまたは ERRORLOG をさかのぼって、具体的な問題点を示すエラーを調べてください。 適切なユーザー アクションは、Windows イベント ログの情報が、SQL Server エラーが一時的な状態または永続的な障害によって引き起こされたこ...
“I was performing manipulation commands on SQL Server Database, but suddenly my database got crashed due to some accidental changes done in my database. I tried to recover it from DBCC CHECKDB but failed to recover it. Alsotried restoring it from backup and gotSQL Server Error 3414, Severi...
An error during a redo, undo, or recovery operation on a SQL Server database places the database into the SUSPECT state. Such errors include3313(log redo error),3314(log undo error),3414(recovery error that prevents database restart), and error3456(redo error on a logged transaction). ...
解决错误 3313、3314、3414 或 3456 (SQL Server)在 SQL Server 数据库上执行重做、撤消或恢复操作期间发生的错误会将该数据库置于 SUSPECT 状态。此类错误包括 3313(日志重做错误)、3314(日志撤消错误)、3414(阻止数据库重新启动的恢复错误)和错误 3456(针对记入日志的事务的重做错误)。
Microsoft SQL Server,错误:3414Microsoft SQL Server,错误:3624报错截图如下:技术人员对数据库文件使用专业工具测试后,分析了表的完整性,并使用修复工具确定了导致报错的位置。根据报错代码error 3414和error 3624校正了表的错误信息后,数据库成功附加,且所有信息完整。从接手这组阵列到恢复出阵列数据,我方技术人员按照...
Look in the SQL Server error log for the error that you are troubleshooting (3313, 3314, 3414, or 3356), and review the messages that precede it to determine whether you can correct them manually. If you can correct the earlier errors, perform one of the following procedures: ...
3414 10 是 恢复期间发生错误,阻止数据库 '%ls' (%d:%d) 重新启动。 请诊断并纠正这些恢复错误,或者从已知的正确备份中还原。 如果无法更正错误,或者为意外错误,请与技术支持人员联系。 3415 16 是 数据库 '%.*ls' 无法升级,因为它为只读文件,或者用户没有修改某些文...
Msg 3414, Level 21, State 4, LineLineNumber An error occurred during recovery, preventing the databaseDatabaseName(5:0) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are...