A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40...
在“方面”下接列表框中,选择“服务器配置”,将“RemoteAccessEnabled”属性和”RemotoDacEnabled”设为“True”,点“确定” 至此SSMS已设置完毕,先退出,再用sa登录,成功即表示sa帐户已经启用。 下面开始配置Sql Server Configuration Manager (SSCM),选中左侧的“SQL Server服务”,确保右侧的“SQL Server”以及“SQL...
使用SQL Server Management Studio或者其他客户端工具,尝试连接远程服务器,验证连接是否成功。 类图 SQLServer+ int port+ bool remoteAccessEnabled+void enableRemoteAccess() 状态图 连接成功断开连接NotConnectedConnected 通过以上步骤,你应该能够成功配置SQL Server连接远程服务器。如果遇到问题,可以查阅官方文档或者向社区...
9在最开始的界面选择方面选项,在服务器配置那里,将Remoteaccessenable设置为true,确认保存 10在所有程序中找到sql server配置管理器并且打开,找到sql server服务一栏,确保sqlserver browser和sql server服务是开启的,我这里sqlserver browser服务是禁用的,所以我在windows服务管理器那里启用并且设置为自动了 11找到SQL SERVER...
For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]To enable Microsoft code name “Quadrant” to connect to data on a remote computer, you must also configure the remote computer to accept requests from “Quadrant”....
and password to establish connections to the server, also select wich logins are going to be used to access the database, this is could be all done from the management studio, and the most important is you should enable sql server authentication and windows from the properties -> secur...
Managemet Studio,默认设置SQL Server是不允许远程连接的,需要作一下更改:"开始"——"所有程序"——"Microsoft SQL Server 2008"——"配置工具"——"SQL Server配置管理器"SQL Server Network Configuration中—>双击 ‘SQLEXPRESS的协议’和‘MSSQLSERVER的协议’à选择协议,"Named pipes"和"TCP/IP"都Enable起来...
The remote access configuration option controls the execution of stored procedures from local or remote servers on which instances of SQL Server are running.The default value for the remote access option is 1 (enabled). This grants permission to run local stored procedures from ...
SQL Server Configuration Your server is set up to allow remote connections with a SQL Server login but now you must enable TCP/IP protocols for your server. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager Expand SQL Server Network Configuration and Protocols for {Your server name}. Right-click 'TCP/IP'...
默认情况下,MS SQL Server 不侦听外部地址。以下链接可能会有所帮助 https://knowledgebase.apexsql.com/configure-remote-access-connect-remote-sql-server-instance-apexsql-tools/ https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213407669-How-to-enable-remote-connections-to-MS-SQL-server- 反对 回复 2022-06...